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Vision vs Opinion - What's the difference?

vision | opinion |

As nouns the difference between vision and opinion

is that vision is the sense or ability of sight while opinion is a belief that a person has formed about a topic or issue.

As verbs the difference between vision and opinion

is that vision is to imagine something as if it were to be true while opinion is to have or express as an opinion.



(wikipedia vision)


  • (label) The sense or ability of sight.
  • Something seen; an object perceived visually.
  • * 1610 , , I. ii. 270:
  • For to a vision so apparent rumour / Cannot be mute
  • *{{quote-book, year=1892, author=(James Yoxall)
  • , chapter=7, title= The Lonely Pyramid , passage=It was the Lost Oasis, the Oasis of the vision in the sand. […] Deep-hidden in the hollow, beneath the cliffs, it lay; and round it the happy verdure spread for many a rood. […] Yes, the quest was ended, the Lost Oasis was the Found!}}
  • (label) Something imaginary one thinks one sees.
  • (label) Something unreal or imaginary; a creation of fancy.
  • (John Locke)
  • (label) An ideal or a goal toward which one aspires.
  • (label) A religious or mystical experience of a supernatural appearance.
  • (label) A person or thing of extraordinary beauty.
  • Synonyms

    * (ability) sight, eyesight, view, perception * (something imaginary) apparition, hallucination, mirage * (ideal or goal) dream, desire, aspiration, fantasy

    Derived terms

    * binocular vision * double vision * personal vision * prevision * visible * visibility * vision statement * visionary * visioner * visual


    (en verb)
  • To imagine something as if it were to be true.
  • To provide with a vision.
  • Synonyms

    * (imagine) envision

    Derived terms

    * envision * prevision


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    (en noun)
  • A belief that a person has formed about a topic or issue.
  • I would like to know your opinions on the new systems.
    In my opinion , white chocolate is better than milk chocolate.
    Every man is a fool in some man's opinion .
    Truth, in matters of religion, is simply the opinion that has survived. -
  • The judgment or sentiment which the mind forms of persons or things; estimation.
  • * 1606 , , I. vii. 32:
  • I have bought golden opinions from all sorts of people.
  • * South
  • Friendship gives a man a peculiar right and claim to the good opinion of his friend.
  • (obsolete) Favorable estimation; hence, consideration; reputation; fame; public sentiment or esteem.
  • * 1597 , , V. iv. 47:
  • Thou hast redeemed thy lost opinion .
  • * Milton
  • This gained Agricola much opinion , who enterprises.
  • (obsolete) Obstinacy in holding to one's belief or impression; opiniativeness; conceitedness.
  • * 1590 , , V. i. 5:
  • Your reasons at / dinner have been sharp and sententious, pleasant / without scurrility, witty without affection, audacious / without impudency, learned without opinion , and / strange without heresy.
  • The formal decision, or expression of views, of a judge, an umpire, a doctor, or other party officially called upon to consider and decide upon a matter or point submitted.
  • (European Union law) a judicial opinion delivered by an Advocate General to the European Court of Justice where he or she proposes a legal solution to the cases for which the court is responsible
  • Derived terms

    * advisory opinion * be of the opinion * in my humble opinion/IMHO * in my opinion * in one's opinion * opinion poll * public opinion * scientific opinion * second opinion

    See also

    * fact


    (en verb)
  • (archaic) To have or express as an opinion.
  • * 1658', But if (as some '''opinion ) King ''Ahasuerus'' were ''Artaxerxes Mnemon'' [...], our magnified ''Cyrus'' was his second Brother — Sir Thomas Browne, ''The Graden of Cyrus (Folio Society 2007, p. 166)
  • Statistics

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