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Virago vs Harpy - What's the difference?

virago | harpy |

As nouns the difference between virago and harpy

is that virago is (said of a woman) Given to undue belligerence or ill manner at the slightest provocation; a shrew, a termagant while harpy is a fabulous winged monster, ravenous and filthy, having the face of a woman and the body of a vulture.

As an adjective virago

is pertaining to a virago.




(en noun)
  • (said of a woman) Given to undue belligerence or ill manner at the slightest provocation; a shrew, a termagant.
  • *, chapter=22
  • , title= The Mirror and the Lamp , passage=Not unnaturally, “Auntie” took this communication in bad part. Thus outraged, she showed herself to be a bold as well as a furious virago . Next day she found her way to their lodgings and tried to recover her ward by the hair of the head.}}
  • (said of a woman) Scolding, domineering, highly opinionated; a fishwife, a nag.
  • (said of a woman) Rough, loud, and aggressive.
  • Adjective

  • Pertaining to a virago.
  • * 1964', Joan was all Arden, grinning there, siding with her '''virago mother. — Anthony Burgess, ''Nothing Like the Sun
  • Derived terms

    * viraginity * viraginous ----



    (wikipedia harpy)


  • A fabulous winged monster, ravenous and filthy, having the face of a woman and the body of a vulture.
  • * Milton
  • Both table and provisions vanished quite,
    With sound of harpies' wings and talons heard.
  • A shrewish woman.
  • :* {{quote-book
  • , year=1927 , year_published=2008 , edition=HTML , editor= , author=Edgar Rice Burrows , title=The Outlaw of Torn , chapter= citation , genre= , publisher=The Gutenberg Project , isbn= , page= , passage=But her most subtle wiles proved ineffectual in ridding her, even for a moment, of her harpy jailer }}
  • One who is rapacious or ravenous; an extortioner.
  • * Goldsmith
  • The harpies about all pocket the pool.
  • The European moor buzzard or marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus ).
  • A large and powerful double-crested, short-winged American eagle (Thrasaetus harpyia ).
  • Derived terms

    * harpy bat * harpy fly

    See also

    * harridan