Vare vs Vape - What's the difference?
vare | vape |
To inhale the vapor produced by a non-combustible cigarette, most commonly an electronic cigarette.
* 2007 December 18, SmokeyJoe, "Well it's not smoking....So what is it?" [], e-cigarette-forum:
*:"E-smoking" is a bit of a handful, "Misting" sounds far too fey, "Vaporizing" or "Vaping" has drug connotations. There must be a better word for my new hobby! Suggestions?
* 2008 March 2, marian00, "Re: NJOY International" [], e-cigarette-forum:
* 2008 April 24, TropicalBob, "Re: Now that's smoking!" [], e-cigarette-forum:
* '>citation
As a determiner vare
is .As a noun vape is
hot weather.vape
(vap)- I have received both my Sedansa and Njoy ciggies. ... They vape' about the same. I can drip in both cigs, whether into the atomizer or into the filter. ... The e-cig minicig from .......... sucks -- and I don't mean literally. I can't get anything out of them. I don't like their pipe either. It ' vapes plenty; you just can't inhale and exhale much of anything.
- "Vaping" is just a fancy way to avoid the term "smoking", since smoking is illegal everywhere and these things don't burn anything and don't produce second-hand smoke.