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Unhued vs Unheed - What's the difference?

unhued | unheed |

As an adjective unhued

is not given a hue; uncolored.

As a verb unheed is

(lb) to deliberately fail to heed or take notice of; disregard; ignore.




  • Not given a hue; uncolored.
  • unheed



    (en verb)
  • (lb) To deliberately fail to heed or take notice of; disregard; ignore.
  • *1847 , Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers:
  • Unfortunately, from its liability to accident, and the necessity of entrusting it to the care of those who are either so familiar with danger as to unheed its warnings, or so infatuated as to rely, in despite of its warnings, with over-weening confidence [...]
  • *1882 , Agrippa Nelson Bell, The Sanitarian :
  • Neither the fair young English strumpet, who was Dr. White's patient, should have been permitted to unheed his advice to abstain from intercourse, and thus go on scattering her dints until they struck down some gentle wife ; nor the drunken youth, who forfeited his life to his folly, have been allowed to sow the seed of the disease he bore, […]
  • *1916 , The Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research:
  • Whilst busy down street today about 11 :30 a.m. I had a strong impression that I must go over to Mr. Martin's and see if there be any result of yesterday's experiment. I tried to unheed the impression but it grew upon me in spite of my determination to the contrary and finally at about twelve o'clock I mounted my cycle and rode over to Martin's.