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Garner vs Ungarnered - What's the difference?

garner | ungarnered |

As a noun garner

is a granary; a store of grain.

As a verb garner

is to reap grain, gather it up, and store it in a granary.

As a proper noun Garner

is {{surname|lang=en}.

As an adjective ungarnered is

not garnered.




(en noun)
  • A granary; a store of grain.
  • * :
  • That'' our garners ''may be'' full, affording all manner of store: ''that our sheep may bring forth thousands and ten thousands in our streets.
  • * :
  • Whose fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner ; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.
  • An accumulation, supply, store, or hoard of something.
  • Verb

    (en verb)
  • To reap grain, gather it up, and store it in a granary.
  • To gather, amass, hoard, as if harvesting grain.
  • * 1835 ,
  • I walked enormous distances...garnering thoughts even from the heather.
  • * 1913 , in Catholic Encyclopedia, 1913
  • He garnered the fruit of his studies in seven volumes.
  • * 1956 ,
  • ...its fleet went out to garner in the elusive but highly succulent fish.
  • (often figurative) To earn; to get; to accumulate or acquire by some effort or due to some fact; to reap.
  • He garnered a reputation as a language expert.
    Her new book garnered high praise from the critics.
    His poor choices garnered him a steady stream of welfare checks.
  • * 1983 ,
  • This country will never forget nor fail to honor those who have so courageously garnered our highest regard.
  • * 1999 ,
  • President Roosevelt garnered the support of our working men and women...
  • (rare) to gather or become gathered; to accumulate or become accumulated; to become stored.
  • * 1849 ,
  • For this alone on Death I wreak / The wrath that garners in my heart;

    Usage notes

    The "earn, acquire, accumulate" sense should be read as a figurative extension of the original "harvest, gather" sense, sometimes with some inanimate achievement or choice metaphorically doing the "gathering", as "The new book garnered high praise''", or with an indirect object, as, "''The new book garnered the author high praise''". In this sense, the achievement, choice, or fact is actively gathering something, positive or negative, for its creator, even if that choice is inaction, as in "''Failure to try can garner you the disapproval of the industrious ".


    * ----




  • Not garnered.
  • *{{quote-book, year=1902, author=Edward P. Lowry, title=With the Guards' Brigade from Bloemfontein to Koomati Poort and Back, chapter=, edition= citation
  • , passage=It fortunately was not in the power of the Boer Government to carry off this as yet ungarnered treasure, or it would certainly have shared the fate of the cart-loads of gold in bar and coin with which President Kruger decamped from Pretoria; but it is beyond all controversy that many of that Government's officials favoured the proposal to wreck, as far as dynamite could, both the machinery and mines in mere wanton revenge on the hated Outlanders that mainly owned them. }}
  • *{{quote-book, year=1905, author=John Dover Wilson, title=John Lyly, chapter=, edition= citation
  • , passage=As Symonds wrote, "The romantic art of the modern world did not spring like that of Greece from an ungarnered field of flowers. }}
  • *{{quote-book, year=1913, author=John H. Stapleton, title=Explanation of Catholic Morals, chapter=, edition= citation
  • , passage=The lissom birch thrives ungarnered in the thicket, where grace and gentleness supply the whilom vigor of its sway. }}