Undertake vs Concerted - What's the difference?
undertake | concerted |
(label) To take upon oneself; to start, to embark on (a specific task etc.).
*(John Milton) (1608-1674)
*:To second, or oppose, or undertake / The perilous attempt.
(label) To commit oneself (to an obligation, activity etc.).
*(William Shakespeare) (c.1564–1616)
*:I'll undertake to land them on our coast.
(label) To overtake on the wrong side.
To pledge; to assert, assure; to dare say.
*, Bk.VII:
*:"I have now aspyed one knyght," he seyde, "that woll play hys play at the justys, I undirtake ."
*(William Shakespeare) (c.1564–1616)
*:And those two counties I will undertake / Your grace shall well and quietly enjoiy.
*(John Dryden) (1631-1700)
*:And he was not right fat, I undertake .
* (1665-1728)
*:I dare undertake they will not lose their labour.
To take by trickery; to trap, to seize upon.
*:there came fourty knyghtes to sire Darras // So sire Tristram endured there grete payne / for sekenesse had vndertake hym / and that is the grettest payne a prysoner maye haue
(label) To assume, as a character; to take on.
(label) To engage with; to attack.
*(William Shakespeare) (c.1564–1616)
*:It is not fit your lordship should undertake every companion that you give offence to.
(label) To have knowledge of; to hear.
(label) To have or take charge of.
*(Geoffrey Chaucer) (c.1343-1400)
*:Keep well those that ye undertake .
*(William Shakespeare) (c.1564–1616)
*:who undertakes you to your end
Performed through a concert of effort; done by agreement or in combination.
(music) Having separate parts for voices and instruments