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What is the difference between ugly and beautiful?

ugly | beautiful |

Beautiful is a antonym of ugly.

As adjectives the difference between ugly and beautiful

is that ugly is displeasing to the eye; not aesthetically pleasing while beautiful is attractive and possessing charm.

As a noun ugly

is ugliness.



Alternative forms

* (l) (obsolete)


  • Displeasing to the eye; not aesthetically pleasing.
  • * Spenser
  • the ugly view of his deformed crimes
  • * (William Shakespeare)
  • O, I have passed a miserable night, / So full of ugly sights, of ghastly dreams.
  • Displeasing to the ear or some other sense.
  • Offensive]] to one's [[sensibility, sensibilities or morality.
  • *, chapter=12
  • , title= The Mirror and the Lamp , passage=All this was extraordinarily distasteful to Churchill. It was ugly , gross. Never before had he felt such repulsion when the vicar displayed his characteristic bluntness or coarseness of speech. In the present connexion—or rather as a transition from the subject that started their conversation—such talk had been distressingly out of place.}}
  • Ill-natured; crossgrained; quarrelsome.
  • Unpleasant; disagreeable; likely to cause trouble or loss.
  • Synonyms

    * (displeasing to the eye) hideous, homely, repulsive, unattractive, uncomely, unsightly * (displeasing to the ear or some other sense) displeasing, repulsive, unattractive * (sense, offensive to one's sensibilities or morality) corrupt, immoral, vile * See also


    * (displeasing to the eye) attractive, beautiful, gorgeous, handsome, pretty, sightly * (displeasing to the ear or some other sense) attractive, pleasing * (sense, offensive to one's sensibilities or morality) moral

    Derived terms

    * uggo * ugly duckling * uglification * uglify


  • (slang, uncountable) Ugliness.
  • * 2009 : (Lady Gaga) and (RedOne), "(Bad Romance)":
  • I want your ugly / I want your disease.
  • (slang) An ugly person or thing.
  • (UK, informal, dated) A shade for the face, projecting from a bonnet.
  • (Charles Kingsley)
    Luke is the definition of ugly




    (en adjective)
  • Attractive and possessing charm.
  • * {{quote-book, year=1963, author=(Margery Allingham), title=(The China Governess)
  • , chapter=5 citation , passage=‘It's rather like a beautiful Inverness cloak one has inherited. Much too good to hide away, so one wears it instead of an overcoat and pretends it's an amusing new fashion.’}}
  • (of the weather) Pleasant; clear.
  • Well executed.
  • (as a pro-sentence ) How beautiful that is!
  • (referring to an athlete catching a ball)
  • (as a pro-sentence; ironic ) How unfortunate that is!
  • Usage notes

    The comparatives beautifuler' and '''beautifuller''', and the superlatives '''beautifulest''' and ' beautifullest have also occasionally been used, but are considered dated or obsolete.


    * (possessing charm and attractive) beauteous, attractive, cute, fair, good-looking, gorgeous, sheen, handsome, hot (slang), lovely, nice-looking, pretty, shapely, fit (slang) * (of the weather) clear, fine, nice, pleasant, sunny * (well executed) excellent, exceptional, good, great, marvellous/marvelous, perfect, stylish, wonderful * great, marvellous/marvelous, nice, very nice, wonderful (any of these can be prefixed with an intensifier such as'' bloody, damned ''or just) * See also


    * (possessing charm and attractive) grotesque, hideous, homely, plain, misshapen, repulsive, ugly; unbeautiful * (of the weather) bad, cloudy, dull, miserable, overcast, rainy, wet * (well executed) average, bad, mediocre, poor, shoddy, substandard, terrible, weak

    Derived terms

    * beautiful armadillo * beautiful game * beautiful people * beautifully * beautifulness