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Derived terms

Bloquiste vs Bloc - What's the difference?

bloquiste | bloc | Derived terms |

Bloquiste is a derived term of bloc.

In canada|politics|lang=en terms the difference between bloquiste and bloc

is that bloquiste is (canada|politics) pertaining to the while bloc is (canada|politics).

As a noun bloquiste

is (canada|politics) a member of the.

As an adjective bloquiste

is (canada|politics) pertaining to the.

As a proper noun bloc is


Fealty vs Feal - What's the difference?

fealty | feal | Derived terms |

Feal is a derived term of fealty.

As a noun fealty

is fidelity to one's lord; the feudal obligation by which the tenant or vassal was bound to be faithful to his lord; fidelity; allegiance; faithfulness.

As an adjective feal is

cosy; clean; neat.

As an adverb feal is

in a feal manner.

As a verb feal is

to hide.

Rolelessness vs Roleless - What's the difference?

rolelessness | roleless | Derived terms |

Rolelessness is a derived term of roleless.

As a noun rolelessness

is absence of a role.

As an adjective roleless is

without a role.

Delts vs Deltoideus - What's the difference?

delts | deltoideus | Derived terms |

Deltoideus is a derived term of delts.

As nouns the difference between delts and deltoideus

is that delts is the deltoid muscles while deltoideus is short for deltoideus muscle much as deltoid is used as short for deltoid muscle.

As an adjective deltoideus is

like a triangle, triangular.

Delt vs Deltoideus - What's the difference?

delt | deltoideus | Derived terms |

Deltoideus is a derived term of delt.

As nouns the difference between delt and deltoideus

is that delt is shoulder while deltoideus is short for deltoideus muscle much as deltoid is used as short for deltoid muscle.

As a verb delt

is an archaic spelling of lang=en.

As an adjective deltoideus is

like a triangle, triangular.

Deltoids vs Deltoideus - What's the difference?

deltoids | deltoideus | Derived terms |

Deltoideus is a derived term of deltoids.

As nouns the difference between deltoids and deltoideus

is that deltoids is plural of deltoid while deltoideus is short for deltoideus muscle much as deltoid is used as short for deltoid muscle.

As an adjective deltoideus is

like a triangle, triangular.

Embetterment vs Embetter - What's the difference?

embetterment | embetter | Derived terms |

Embetterment is a derived term of embetter.

As a noun embetterment

is improvement, betterment.

As a verb embetter is

(obsolete) to make better; improve.

Subserosa vs Serosa - What's the difference?

subserosa | serosa | Derived terms |

Subserosa is a derived term of serosa.

As nouns the difference between subserosa and serosa

is that subserosa is a layer of tissue between the muscularis and serosa while serosa is a membrane which lines an internal cavity to protect the contents and which secretes serum.

Serosal vs Serosa - What's the difference?

serosal | serosa | Derived terms |

Serosa is a derived term of serosal.

As an adjective serosal

is describing the serosa.

As a noun serosa is

a membrane which lines an internal cavity to protect the contents and which secretes serum.

Phallist vs Phallism - What's the difference?

phallist | phallism | Derived terms |

Phallism is a derived term of phallist.

As nouns the difference between phallist and phallism

is that phallist is someone who practises phallism while phallism is worship of the male phallus (penis) as a symbol of the male generative power.
