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Twitter vs Twitted - What's the difference?

twitter | twitted |

As verbs the difference between twitter and twitted

is that twitter is (ambitransitive|internet) to post an update to ; to twitter or tweet while twitted is (twit).




(en noun)
  • The sound of a succession of chirps as uttered by birds.
  • I often listen to the twitter of the birds in the park.
  • Unwanted flicker that occurs in interlaced displays when the image contains vertical detail that approaches the horizontal resolution of the video format.
  • * 1986 , IEEE, Second International Conference on Simulators: 7-11 September 1986 (page 145)
  • Interline twitter occurs on interlaced displays at half the field-rate.


    (en verb)
  • To utter a succession of chirps.
  • * Gray
  • The swallow twittering from the straw-built shed.
  • (transitive) (of a person) To talk in an excited or nervous manner.
  • *
  • it doth not become such a one as you to twitter me.
  • *
  • To make the sound of a half-suppressed laugh; to titter; to giggle.
  • To have a slight trembling of the nerves; to be excited or agitated.
  • (neologism, Internet) To use the microblogging service .
  • * '>citation
  • * '>citation
  • * '>citation
  • Synonyms

    * (internet neologism) tweet

    Derived terms

    * atwitter




  • (twit)

  • twit



  • To reproach, blame; to ridicule or tease.
  • * 1590 , Shakespeare. History of Henry VI , Part II, Act III, Scene I
  • "Hath he not twit our sovereign lady here
    With ignominious words, though clerkly couch'd,
    As if she had suborned some to swear
    False allegations to o'erthrow his state? " -
  • * 1955 , edition, ISBN 0553249592, page 106:
  • Mr. Cramer, a policeman, came this morning and twitted me for having let a murderer hoodwink me.
  • * 2007 , Bernard Porter, "Did He Puff his Crimes to Please a Bloodthirsty Readership?", review of Stanley: The Impossible Life of Africa’s Greatest Explorer'' by Tim Jeal, ''London Review of Books , 5 April, 29:7, p. 10
  • H. R. Fox Bourne, secretary of the Aborigines' Protection Society – often twitted for being an ‘armchair critic’ – wrote in a review of one of Stanley's books
  • * Tillotson
  • This these scoffers twitted the Christian with.
  • * L'Estrange
  • Aesop minds men of their errors, without twitting them for what is amiss.
  • (computing) To ignore or killfile (a user on a bulletin board system).
  • * 1995 , "Michelle Jackson", Debutante/Question about Tori Shirts'' (on newsgroup ''rec.music.tori-amos )
  • However, on the Internet BBS's such as Quartz (now dead), Prism, Monsoon, Sunset, ect(SIC), someone pulling that kind of crap is likely to get flamed quite fast and twitted before he/she can breathe.
  • * 2002 , "Chris Hoppman", FidoNet Feed Needed'' (on newsgroup ''alt.bbs )
  • And no, there is no "thought purification program" that can filter out some folks(SIC) obscene ideas that can be expressed w/o written vulgarities. That has to be simply "dealt" with, either by ignoring or twitting the individual that offends habitually.


    (en noun)
  • A reproach, gibe or taunt.
  • A foolish or annoying person.
  • * (rfdate) (Larry Kramer), Just Say No
  • What do you mean, since when did I become such a radical fairy? Since I started knowing twits' like you, you ' twit !

    Usage notes

    In the UK and UK English-speaking areas, usually used in a humorous or affectionate manner.

    Derived terms

    * (l)


    * See also