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Twill vs Till - What's the difference?

twill | till |

As a noun twill

is (weaving) a pattern, characterised by diagonal ridges, created by the regular interlacing]] of threads of the warp and weft during [[weave|weaving.

As a verb twill

is to weave (cloth, etc) so as to produce the appearance of diagonal lines or ribs on the surface.

As a proper noun till is




Alternative forms

* tweel


(wikipedia twill) (-)
  • (weaving) A pattern, characterised by diagonal ridges, created by the regular interlacing]] of threads of the warp and weft during [[weave, weaving.
  • * 1973 , P. R. Lord, M. H. Mohamed, Weaving: Conversion of Yarn to Fabric , 2nd Edition, page 167,
  • The twill' weave is always given a direction; a right-hand '''twill''' is one in which the '''twill''' line runs from bottom left to top right and a left-hand '''twill''' is one in which the '''twill''' line runs from bottom right to top left. The angle of the ' twill is determined by the amount of shift in the points of interlacing.
  • * 2000 , Walter S. Sondhelm, 4: Technical fabric structures - 1. Woven fabrics'', A. Richard Horrocks, Subhash C. Anand (editors), ''Handbook of Technical Textiles , page 68,
  • Industrial uses of twill' fabrics are mainly restricted to simple twills and only simple '''twills''' are described here. Broken '''twills''', waved '''twills''', herringbone '''twills''' and elongated ' twills are extensively used for suiting and dress fabrics.
  • * 2002 , Dianne Rose Jackman, Mary K. Dixon, Jill Condra, The Guide to Textiles for Interiors , page 98,
  • Herringbone'' fabrics are a twill''' variation having the ' twill line reversed at regular intervals.
  • A cloth or portion of cloth woven in such a pattern.
  • * 2006 , Mark Montano, Carly Sommerstein, Window Treatments and Slipcovers For Dummies , page 33,
  • Plain cotton twills , such as canvas, sailcloth, and denim, in mediumweight fabrics, can be a good choice for informal rooms that receive considerable wear and tear, such as rec rooms, dens, playrooms, or children's bedrooms.

    Derived terms

    * twill tape


    (en verb)
  • To weave (cloth, etc.) so as to produce the appearance of diagonal lines or ribs on the surface.
  • till


    Etymology 1

    From (etyl) (Northumbrian) til, from (etyl) til.


    (English prepositions)
  • To.
  • *, Bk.XVIII, Ch.vii:
  • *:Than the knyghtes parters of the lystis toke up Sir Madore and led hym tylle hys tente.
  • *1854 , Prof. John Wilson, The Genius and Character of Burns , p.194 (Google preview):
  • *:Similar sentiments will recur to everyone familiar with his writings all through them till the very end.
  • Until, up to, as late as (a given time).
  • :
  • :
  • Synonyms
    * (until) til, 'til, until


    (English Conjunctions)
  • until, until the time that
  • Maybe you can, maybe you can't: you won't know till you try.
  • * 1582 , 2:7:
  • that you stir not up, nor make the beloved to awake, till she please.
  • * 1846 , Edward Lear, The Book of Nonsense :
  • She twirled round and round, / Till she sunk underground,
  • * 1912 , anonymous, Punky Dunk and the Mouse , P.F. Volland & Co.:
  • And the Mouse sat and laughed till he cried.
    * (until) 'til, until

    Etymology 2

    From (etyl) tillen'' "to draw" from (etyl) ''-tyllan'' (as in ''betyllan'' "to lure, decoy," and ''fortyllan'' "draw away;" related to ''tollian ). Cognate with Albanian . Or alternatively from (etyl) tylle'' "compartment" from (etyl) ''tille'' "compartment, shelter on a ship" from (etyl) '' "plank."


    (en noun)
  • A cash register
  • A removable box within a cash register containing the money
  • Pull all the tills and lock them in the safe.
  • The contents of a cash register, for example at the beginning or end of the day or of a cashier's shift
  • My count of my till was 30 dollars short.
  • (obsolete) A tray or drawer in a chest.
  • Etymology 3

    (etyl) tilian


    (en verb)
  • to develop so as to improve or prepare for usage; to cultivate (said of knowledge, virtue, mind etc)
  • to work or cultivate or plough (soil); to prepare for growing vegetation and crops
  • * Bible, Genesis iii. 23
  • The Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.
  • to cultivate soil
  • (obsolete) To prepare; to get.
  • Etymology 4

    Unknown, but possibly via etymology 3 (the verb) because alluvial deposit is used as a fertilizer.


    (wikipedia till) (en noun)
  • glacial drift consisting of a mixture of clay, sand, pebbles and boulders
  • (dialect) manure or other material used to fertilize land
  • Etymology 5

    Shortened from lentil.


    (en noun)
  • A vetch; a tare.
  • References

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