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Turn vs Appropriate - What's the difference?

turn | appropriate | Related terms |

Turn is a related term of appropriate.

As verbs the difference between turn and appropriate

is that turn is (lb) non-linear physical movement while appropriate is (archaic) to make suitable; to suit.

As a noun turn

is a change of direction or orientation.

As an adjective appropriate is

(obsolete) set apart for a particular use or person; reserved.




(en verb)
  • (lb) Non-linear physical movement.
  • # (lb) Of a body, person, etc, to move around an axis through itself.
  • #*
  • #*:"A fine man, that Dunwody, yonder," commented the young captain, as they parted, and as he turned to his prisoner. "We'll see him on in Washington some day. He is strengthening his forces now against Mr. Benton out there.."
  • # (lb) To change the direction or orientation of, especially by rotation.
  • #*
  • It was not far from the house; but the ground sank into a depression there, and the ridge of it behind shut out everything except just the roof of the tallest hayrick. As one sat on the sward behind the elm, with the back turned on the rick and nothing in front but the tall elms and the oaks in the other hedge, it was quite easy to fancy it the verge of the prairie with the backwoods close by.
  • #* {{quote-magazine, year=2013, month=July-August, author= Lee S. Langston, magazine=(American Scientist)
  • , title= The Adaptable Gas Turbine , passage=Turbines have been around for a long time—windmills and water wheels are early examples. The name comes from the Latin turbo'', meaning ''vortex , and thus the defining property of a turbine is that a fluid or gas turns the blades of a rotor, which is attached to a shaft that can perform useful work.}}
  • # (lb) To change one's direction of travel.
  • #*
  • , title=(The Celebrity), chapter=2 , passage=I had occasion […] to make a somewhat long business trip to Chicago, and on my return […] I found Farrar awaiting me in the railway station. He smiled his wonted fraction by way of greeting, […], and finally leading me to his buggy, turned and drove out of town.}}
  • #* , chapter=1
  • , title= Mr. Pratt's Patients, chapter=1 , passage=I stumbled along through the young pines and huckleberry bushes. Pretty soon I struck into a sort of path that, I cal'lated, might lead to the road I was hunting for. It twisted and turned , and, the first thing I knew, made a sudden bend around a bunch of bayberry scrub and opened out into a big clear space like a lawn.}}
  • # To change the course of.
  • # (lb) To shape (something) symmetrically by rotating it against a stationary cutting tool, as on a lathe.
  • # (lb) To give form to; to shape or mould; to adapt.
  • #* (William Shakespeare) (1564-1616)
  • The poet's pen turns them to shapes.
  • #* (Joseph Addison) (1672-1719)
  • He was perfectly well turned for trade.
  • #* (Alexander Pope) (1688-1744)
  • His limbs how turned , how broad his shoulders spread!
  • # (lb) To position (something) by folding it, or using its folds.
  • # Of a bowler, to make (the ball) move sideways off the pitch when it bounces.
  • # Of a ball, to move sideways off the pitch when it bounces.
  • #: 
  • To change condition or attitude.
  • # To become (begin to be).
  • #* {{quote-news, year=2012, date=April 21, author=Jonathan Jurejko, work=BBC Sport
  • , title= Newcastle 3-0 Stoke , passage=The midfielder turned provider moments later, his exquisite reverse pass perfectly weighted for Cisse to race on to and slide past Stoke keeper Asmir Begovic.}}
  • # To change the color of the leaves in the autumn.
  • # To change fundamentally; to metamorphose.
  • #*
  • At her invitation he outlined for her the succeeding chapters with terse military accuracy; and what she liked best and best understood was avoidance of that false modesty which condescends, turning technicality into pabulum.
  • #* {{quote-magazine, year=2013, month=July-August, author=(Henry Petroski)
  • , title= Geothermal Energy , volume=101, issue=4, magazine=(American Scientist) , passage=Ancient nomads, wishing to ward off the evening chill and enjoy a meal around a campfire, had to collect wood and then spend time and effort coaxing the heat of friction out from between sticks to kindle a flame. With more settled people, animals were harnessed to capstans or caged in treadmills to turn grist into meal.}}
  • ## (lb) To sour or spoil; to go bad.
  • #
  • ## (lb) To make acid or sour; to ferment; to curdle.
  • #
  • # To hinge; to depend.
  • #* (Jonathan Swift) (1667–1745)
  • Conditions of peace certainly turn upon events of war.
  • # To rebel; to go against something formerly tolerated.
  • # To change personal condition.
  • ## (lb) To change personalities, such as from being a face (good guy) to heel (bad guy) or vice versa .
  • ## To become giddy; said of the head or brain.
  • ##* (William Shakespeare) (1564-1616)
  • #
    I'll look no more; / Lest my brain turn .
  • ## To sicken; to nauseate.
  • #
  • ## To be nauseated; said of the stomach.
  • ##: 
  • To change one's course of action; to take a new approach.
  • * 1526 , (William Tyndale), trans. Bible , (w) VII:
  • And they made a calfe in those dayes, and offered sacrifice unto the ymage, and reioysed in the workes of theyr awne hondes. Then God turned himsilfe, and gave them up
  • * Bible, (w) xxxii. 12
  • Turn from thy fierce wrath.
  • * (John Locke) (1632-1705)
  • The understanding turns inward on itself, and reflects on its own operations.
  • *
  • Little disappointed, then, she turned attention to "Chat of the Social World," gossip which exercised potent fascination upon the girl's intelligence.
  • To complete.
  • Of a player, to go past an opposition player with the ball in one's .
  • * {{quote-news, year=2012, date=May 5, author=Phil McNulty, work=BBC Sport
  • , title= Chelsea 2-1 Liverpool , passage=Liverpool introduced Carroll for Spearing and were rewarded after 64 minutes when he put them back in contention. Stewart Downing blocked Jose Bosingwa's attempted clearance, which fell into the path of Carroll. He turned John Terry superbly before firing high past Cech.}}
  • To undergo the process of turning on a lathe.
  • (lb) To bring down the feet of a child in the womb, in order to facilitate delivery.
  • To invert a type of the same thickness, as a temporary substitute for any sort which is exhausted.
  • (lb) To translate.
  • * (Alexander Pope) (1688-1744)
  • who turns a Persian tale for half a crown


    * (move around an axis through itself) rotate, spin, twirl * (change the direction or orientation of) rotate * (qualifier, change one's direction of travel): steer, swerve, tack * (nautical) * : * (become) become, get, go * (rebel) rebel, revolt * (shape on a lathe) lathe * (go bad) go bad, go off, sour, spoil * (complete) complete

    Derived terms

    * turn a phrase * turn about * turn against * turn around * turn away * turn back * turn in one's grave * turn down * turn heads * turn home * turn in * turn into * turn inward * turn loose * turn off * turn on * turn on one's heel * turn out * turn over * turn round * turn someone's crank * turn someone's head * turn tail * turn the other cheek * turn the tables * turn the tide * turn to * turn to stone * turn tricks * turn up * turn upside down


    (en noun)
  • A change of direction or orientation.
  • *
  • With just the turn of a shoulder she indicated the water front, wherelay the good ship, Mount Vernon , river packet, the black smoke already pouring from her stacks. In turn he smiled and also shrugged a shoulder.
  • A movement of an object about its own axis in one direction that continues until the object returns to its initial orientation.
  • A single loop of a coil.
  • A chance to use (something) shared in sequence with others.
  • *
  • With just the turn of a shoulder she indicated the water front, wherelay the good ship, Mount Vernon , river packet, the black smoke already pouring from her stacks. In turn he smiled and also shrugged a shoulder.
  • One's chance to make a move in a game having two or more players.
  • A figure in music, often denoted ~, consisting of the note above the one indicated, the note itself, the note below the one indicated, and the note itself again.
  • (also turnaround ) The time required to complete a project.
  • A fit or a period of giddiness.
  • * 1886 , (Robert Louis Stevenson), (Strange Case Of Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde)
  • *:"Then you must know as well as the rest of us that there was something queer about that gentleman—something that gave a man a turn —I don't know rightly how to say it, sir, beyond this: that you felt in your marrow kind of cold and thin."
  • A change in temperament or circumstance.
  • (lb) A sideways movement of the ball when it bounces (caused by rotation in flight).
  • (lb) The fourth communal card in Texas hold 'em.
  • The flop (the first three community cards) in Texas hold 'em.
  • A deed done to another.
  • (lb) A pass behind or through an object.
  • Character; personality; nature.
  • * 1874 , (Marcus Clarke), (For the Term of His Natural Life), Ch.VII:
  • It was fortunate for his comfort, perhaps, that the man who had been chosen to accompany him was of a talkative turn , for the prisoners insisted upon hearing the story of the explosion a dozen times over, and Rufus Dawes himself had been roused to give the name of the vessel with his own lips.
  • (lb) An instance of going past an opposition player with the ball in one's control.
  • Synonyms

    * (change of direction or orientation) * (movement about an axis returning to the original orientation) 360° turn, complete rotation, complete turn, full rotation, full turn * (single loop of a coil) loop * : go * (qualifier, one's chance to make a move in a game): go, move * (figure in music) * (time required to complete a project) * (fit or period of giddiness) dizziness, dizzy spell, giddiness * (change in temperament or circumstance) change, swing * (sideways movement of a cricket ball)

    Derived terms

    * Buggins' turn * bad turn * epistemological turn * good turn * give someone a turn * in turn * linguistic turn * round turn * take a turn for the worse * take it in turns * take turns * talk out of turn * turn-by-turn * turn of events * turn of the century * turn of the year * turn-based See also turning

    Derived terms

    * return * turnabout * turncoat * turning * turnout * turnover * turnpike * turnstile * turntable

    See also

    * * ornament * trill






    (en adjective)
  • (obsolete) Set apart for a particular use or person; reserved.
  • Hence, belonging peculiarly; peculiar; suitable; fit; proper.
  • The headmaster wondered what an appropriate measure would be to make the pupil behave better.
  • * (Beilby Porteus)
  • in its strict and appropriate meaning
  • * (Edward Stillingfleet)
  • appropriate acts of divine worship
  • * (John Locke)
  • It is not at all times easy to find words appropriate to express our ideas.
  • Suitable to the social situation or to social respect or social discreetness; socially correct; socially discreet; well-mannered; proper.
  • I don't think it was appropriate for the cashier to tell me out loud in front of all those people at the check-out that my hair-piece looked like it was falling out of place.
    While it is not considered appropriate for a professor to date his student, there is no such concern once the semester has ended.
  • * {{quote-news, year=2011
  • , date=November 10 , author=Jeremy Wilson , title= England Under 21 5 Iceland Under 21 0: match report , work=Telegraph citation , page= , passage=With such focus from within the footballing community this week on Remembrance Sunday, there was something appropriate about Colchester being the venue for last night’s game. Troops from the garrison town formed a guard of honour for both sets of players, who emerged for the national anthem with poppies proudly stitched into their tracksuit jackets. }}
    * (suited for) apt, felicitous, fitting, suitable
    * (all senses) inappropriate
    Derived terms
    * appropriateness


  • (archaic) To make suitable; to suit.
  • (William Paley)
  • To take to oneself in exclusion of others; to claim or use as by an exclusive right.
  • *
  • , title=(The Celebrity), chapter=5 , passage=We made an odd party before the arrival of the Ten, particularly when the Celebrity dropped in for lunch or dinner. He could not be induced to remain permanently at Mohair because Miss Trevor was at Asquith, but he appropriated a Hempstead cart from the Mohair stables and made the trip sometimes twice in a day.}}
  • To set apart for, or assign to, a particular person or use, in exclusion of all others; with to'' or ''for .
  • * 2012 , The Washington Post, David Nakamura and Tom Hamburger, Put armed police in every school, NRA urges
  • “I call on Congress today to act immediately to appropriate whatever is necessary to put armed police officers in every single school in this nation,” LaPierre said.
  • (transitive, British, ecclesiastical, legal) To annex, as a benefice, to a spiritual corporation, as its property.
  • (Blackstone)