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Trollop vs Strumpet - What's the difference?

trollop | strumpet |

In derogatory terms the difference between trollop and strumpet

is that trollop is a strumpet, a whore while strumpet is a trollop, a whore.

As nouns the difference between trollop and strumpet

is that trollop is a woman held by others as retaining a vulgar and discourteous disposition while strumpet is a female prostitute; a woman who is very sexually active.

As verbs the difference between trollop and strumpet

is that trollop is to act in a sluggish or slovenly manner while strumpet is to debauch.




(en noun)
  • A woman held by others as retaining a vulgar and discourteous disposition.
  • (derogatory) A strumpet, a whore
  • Usage notes

    This term connotes a debasement of class or social standing.


    See also


    (en verb)
  • to act in a sluggish or slovenly manner
  • (Scotch ) to dangle soggily : become bedraggled
  • to behave like a trollop
  • A gait performed by a horse which falls between a trot and a gallop. Also known as a canter.
  • Anagrams





    (en noun)
  • A female prostitute; a woman who is very sexually active.
  • A female adulterer.
  • A mistress.
  • (derogatory) A trollop, a whore.
  • Synonyms

    * See also * See also * See also

    Derived terms

    * (l)


    (en verb)
  • (obsolete) To debauch.
  • * 1591 , , II. ii. 153:
  • My blood is mingled with the crime of lust; / For if we two be one, and thou play false, / I do digest the poison of thy flesh, / Being strumpeted by thy contagion.
  • (obsolete) To dishonour with the reputation of being a strumpet; to belie; to slander.
  • * Massinger
  • With his untrue reports, strumpet your fame.

