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Transparency vs Obscurant - What's the difference?

transparency | obscurant |

As nouns the difference between transparency and obscurant

is that transparency is (countable) a transparent object while obscurant is one who acts to confound or obfuscate; an obscurantist.

As an adjective obscurant is

acting or tending to confound, obfuscate, or obscure.



  • (countable) a transparent object.
  • (countable) specifically , a transparent material with an image on it, that is viewable by shining light through it.
  • (figuratively) openness, degree of accessibility to view
  • (uncountable) the quality of being transparent; transparence.
  • Derived terms

    * overhead transparency




    (en adjective)
  • Acting or tending to confound, obfuscate, or obscure.
  • Typical of or pertaining to ; obscurantic; obscurantistic.
  • Noun

    (en noun)
  • One who acts to confound or obfuscate; an obscurantist.
  • A person who seeks to prevent or hinder enquiry and the advancement of knowledge or wisdom; an agent of endarkenment.
  • An opposer of lucidity and transparency in the political and intellectual spheres.
  • References
