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Tolerant vs Intolerant - What's the difference?

tolerant | intolerant |

Intolerant is a related term of tolerant.

As adjectives the difference between tolerant and intolerant

is that tolerant is tending to permit, allow, understand, or accept something while intolerant is unable or indisposed to tolerate, endure or bear.

As a noun intolerant is

one who is intolerant; a bigot.




(en adjective)
  • tending to permit, allow, understand, or accept something
  • He's pretty tolerant of different political views, but don't ask him about religion.
  • tending to withstand or survive
  • These plants are tolerant of drought and sunlight.




    (en adjective)
  • Unable or indisposed to tolerate, endure or bear.
  • I am lactose-intolerant , so I can't drink milk.
  • * Arbuthnot
  • The powers of human bodies being limited and intolerant of excesses.
  • Not tolerant; close-minded about new or different ideas. indisposed to tolerate contrary opinions or beliefs; impatient of dissent or opposition; denying or refusing the right of private opinion or choice in others; inclined to persecute or suppress dissent.
  • Noun

    (en noun)
  • One who is intolerant; a bigot.
  • * 1856 , John David Chambers, Strictures, legal and historical, on the judgment of the Consistory Court of London, in December, 1855, in the Case of Westerton Versus Liddell
  • a portion of the prejudice which darkened the spirits of these intolerants , might perhaps have cast its shadow over him.


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