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Wig vs Wigging - What's the difference?

wig | wigging |

As an adjective wig

is (aviation|nautical) wing-in-ground.

As a verb wigging is


As a noun wigging is

(uncountable) the action of the verb to wig .

Frontal vs Wig - What's the difference?

frontal | wig |

As adjectives the difference between frontal and wig

is that frontal is of, relating to, directed toward, or situated at the front: a frontal attack while wig is (aviation|nautical) wing-in-ground.

As a noun frontal

is a drapery covering the front of an altar.

Hippie vs Wig - What's the difference?

hippie | wig |

As a noun hippie

is hippie, hippy.

As an adjective wig is

(aviation|nautical) wing-in-ground.

Wig vs False - What's the difference?

wig | false |

As adjectives the difference between wig and false

is that wig is (aviation|nautical) wing-in-ground while false is (label) one of two states of a boolean variable; logic.

Wig vs Sponge - What's the difference?

wig | sponge |

As an adjective wig

is (aviation|nautical) wing-in-ground.

As a noun sponge is

(countable) any of various marine invertebrates, mostly of the phylum porifera , that have a porous skeleton often of silica.

As a verb sponge is

(slang) to take advantage of the kindness of others.

Wig vs Headdress - What's the difference?

wig | headdress |

As nouns the difference between wig and headdress

is that wig is a head of real or synthetic hair worn on the head to disguise baldness; for cultural or religious reasons; for fashion; or by actors to help them better resemble the character they are portraying while headdress is a decorative covering or ornament worn on the head.

As a verb wig

is to put on a wig; to provide with a wig (especially of an actor etc.).

As an adjective WIG

is wing-in-ground.

Topper vs Wig - What's the difference?

topper | wig |

As nouns the difference between topper and wig

is that topper is something that is on top while wig is a head of real or synthetic hair worn on the head to disguise baldness; for cultural or religious reasons; for fashion; or by actors to help them better resemble the character they are portraying.

As a verb wig is

to put on a wig; to provide with a wig (especially of an actor etc.).

As an adjective WIG is

