tex |
tox |
As a proper noun Tex
is a masculine nickname, especially for a Texan.
As a noun tex
is a milligram per meter, a unit of linear mass density for thread or fiber.
As an abbreviation tox is
hox |
tox |
As abbreviations the difference between hox and tox
is that
hox is (genetics) homeobox while
tox is toxicity.
As a verb hox
is (obsolete|transitive) to hock; to hamstring.
tox |
tux |
As an abbreviation tox
is toxicity.
As a noun tux is
a tuxedo.
As a proper noun Tux is
a cuddly cartoon penguin, the official
Linux mascot.
tox |
cox |
As an abbreviation tox
is toxicity.
As a noun cox is
a coxswain of a boat, especially of a racing crew.
As a verb cox is
to act as coxswain for.
As a proper noun Cox is
{{surname|A=An|English|from=Middle English}} for either son of, or servant of someone named Cocke or Cook.
tix |
tox |
As a noun tix
is (informal|abbreviation) tickets.
As an abbreviation tox is
tow |
tox |
As a verb tow
is to pull something behind one using a line or chain; to haul.
As a noun tow
is the act of towing and the condition of being towed or
tow can be an untwisted bundle of fibers such as , flax, hemp or jute.
As an abbreviation tox is
tox |
dox |
As an abbreviation tox
is toxicity.
As a noun dox is
(slang) documents, especially information sought by hackers about an individual (address, credit card numbers, etc).
As a verb dox is
(slang|transitive) to publish the personal information of (an individual) on the internet.
tox |
tnx |
As an abbreviation tox
is toxicity.
As an interjection tnx is
tox |
toa |
As an abbreviation tox
is toxicity.
As a noun toa is
a small painted artifact made by the Diyari people of Australia, believed to have been used as place markers or signposts.
tox |
wox |
As an abbreviation tox
is toxicity.
As a verb wox is
(obsolete) (