What's the difference between
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Symptom vs Telling - What's the difference?

symptom | telling | Related terms |

Symptom is a related term of telling.

As nouns the difference between symptom and telling

is that symptom is symptom, sign while telling is the act of narration.

As an adjective telling is

having force.

As a verb telling is


Symbol vs Symptom - What's the difference?

symbol | symptom | Related terms |

Symbol is a related term of symptom.

As nouns the difference between symbol and symptom

is that symbol is symbol while symptom is symptom, sign.

Symptom vs Ailment - What's the difference?

symptom | ailment |

As nouns the difference between symptom and ailment

is that symptom is a perceived change in some function, sensation or appearance of a person that indicates a disease or disorder, such as fever, headache or rash while ailment is something which ails one; a disease; sickness.

Medicalcondition vs Symptom - What's the difference?

medicalcondition | symptom |

As a noun symptom is

symptom, sign.

Taxonomy vs Symptom - What's the difference?

taxonomy | symptom |

As nouns the difference between taxonomy and symptom

is that taxonomy is the science or the technique used to make a classification while symptom is symptom, sign.

Symptom vs Portent - What's the difference?

symptom | portent |

As nouns the difference between symptom and portent

is that symptom is symptom, sign while portent is something that portends an event about to occur, especially an unfortunate or evil event; an omen.

Symptom vs Recidivation - What's the difference?

symptom | recidivation |

As nouns the difference between symptom and recidivation

is that symptom is symptom, sign while recidivation is relapse of a disease or a symptom.

Symptom vs Dumbels - What's the difference?

symptom | dumbels | initialism |

Symptom is a initialism of dumbels.

As a noun symptom

is symptom, sign.

As an initialism dumbels is

(emergency medicine) a mnemonic ("diaphoresis/diarrhea, urination, miosis, bronchospasm/bradycardia/[bronchorrhea], emesis, lacrimation, salivation") used to identify the common symptoms of certain affections of a cholinergic toxidrome.

Symptom vs Sludge - What's the difference?

symptom | sludge | initialism |

Symptom is a initialism of sludge.

As a noun symptom

is symptom, sign.

As an initialism sludge is

(emergency medicine) a mnemonic ("salivation, lacrimation, urination, defecation, gastrointestinal upset, emesis") used to identify the common symptoms of certain affections of a cholinergic toxidrome.

Symptom vs Multisymptom - What's the difference?

symptom | multisymptom |

As a noun symptom

is symptom, sign.

As an adjective multisymptom is

having more than one symptom.
