What's the difference between
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Supplemental vs Supplentary - What's the difference?

supplemental | supplentary |

Further vs Supplemental - What's the difference?

further | supplemental | Synonyms |

Further is a synonym of supplemental.

As adjectives the difference between further and supplemental

is that further is (far); of or pertaining to being distant, or of greater distance in degree or of extension in time while supplemental is acting to supplement.

As a verb further

is to encourage growth.

As an adverb further

is .

As a noun supplemental is

something that supplements or adds to.

Supplemental vs Reserve - What's the difference?

supplemental | reserve | Related terms |

Supplemental is a related term of reserve.

As adjectives the difference between supplemental and reserve

is that supplemental is acting to supplement while reserve is reserved.

As a noun supplemental

is something that supplements or adds to.

Supplemental vs Spare - What's the difference?

supplemental | spare | Related terms |

Supplemental is a related term of spare.

As adjectives the difference between supplemental and spare

is that supplemental is acting to supplement while spare is scanty; not abundant or plentiful.

As nouns the difference between supplemental and spare

is that supplemental is something that supplements or adds to while spare is the act of sparing; moderation; restraint.

As a verb spare is

to show mercy.

Supplemental vs Supplementarya - What's the difference?

supplemental | supplementarya |

Supplemental vs Supplementory - What's the difference?

supplemental | supplementory |

Supplementory is often a misspelling of supplemental.

Supplementory has no English definition.

As an adjective supplemental

is acting to supplement.

As a noun supplemental

is something that supplements or adds to.

Supplemental vs Supplementaryampflash - What's the difference?

supplemental | supplementaryampflash |

Supplementaryampflash is often a misspelling of supplemental.

Supplementaryampflash has no English definition.

As an adjective supplemental

is acting to supplement.

As a noun supplemental

is something that supplements or adds to.

Supplemental vs Supplementar - What's the difference?

supplemental | supplementar |

Supplementar is often a misspelling of supplemental.

Supplementar has no English definition.

As an adjective supplemental

is acting to supplement.

As a noun supplemental

is something that supplements or adds to.

Supplemental vs Complemental - What's the difference?

supplemental | complemental |

As adjectives the difference between supplemental and complemental

is that supplemental is acting to supplement while complemental is of the nature of a complement; completing.

As a noun supplemental

is something that supplements or adds to.
