What's the difference between
Enter two words to compare and contrast their definitions, origins, and synonyms to better understand how those words are related.


Laptop vs Spider - What's the difference?

laptop | spider |

As nouns the difference between laptop and spider

is that laptop is laptop while spider is any of various eight-legged, predatory arthropods, of the order araneae , most of which spin webs to catch prey.

As a verb spider is

(internet|of a computer program) to follow links on the world wide web in order to gather information.

The vs Spider - What's the difference?

the | spider |

As nouns the difference between the and spider

is that the is tea (variant of : ) while spider is any of various eight-legged, predatory arthropods, of the order araneae , most of which spin webs to catch prey.

As a verb spider is

(internet|of a computer program) to follow links on the world wide web in order to gather information.

Page vs Spider - What's the difference?

page | spider |

As a proper noun page

is for someone who was a servant.

As a noun spider is

any of various eight-legged, predatory arthropods, of the order araneae , most of which spin webs to catch prey.

As a verb spider is

(internet|of a computer program) to follow links on the world wide web in order to gather information.

Spider vs Spiderman - What's the difference?

spider | spiderman |

As nouns the difference between spider and spiderman

is that spider is any of various eight-legged, predatory arthropods, of the order araneae , most of which spin webs to catch prey while spiderman is steeplejack.

As a verb spider

is (internet|of a computer program) to follow links on the world wide web in order to gather information.

Spider vs House - What's the difference?

spider | house |

As a noun spider

is any of various eight-legged, predatory arthropods, of the order araneae , most of which spin webs to catch prey.

As a verb spider

is (internet|of a computer program) to follow links on the world wide web in order to gather information.

As a proper noun house is

(us) the house of representatives, "the house".

Spider vs Millipede - What's the difference?

spider | millipede |

As nouns the difference between spider and millipede

is that spider is any of various eight-legged, predatory arthropods, of the order Araneae, most of which spin webs to catch prey while millipede is any of many elongated arthropods, of the class Diplopoda, with cylindrical bodies that have two pairs of legs for each one of their 20 to 100 or more body segments.

As a verb spider

is to follow links on the World Wide Web in order to gather information.

Spider vs Locust - What's the difference?

spider | locust |

As nouns the difference between spider and locust

is that spider is any of various eight-legged, predatory arthropods, of the order Araneae, most of which spin webs to catch prey while locust is a type of grasshopper in the family Acrididae that flies in swarms and is very destructive to crops and other vegetation.

As a verb spider

is to follow links on the World Wide Web in order to gather information.

Spider vs Mite - What's the difference?

spider | mite |

As nouns the difference between spider and mite

is that spider is any of various eight-legged, predatory arthropods, of the order araneae , most of which spin webs to catch prey while mite is shoot.

As a verb spider

is (internet|of a computer program) to follow links on the world wide web in order to gather information.

Sled vs Spider - What's the difference?

sled | spider |

As nouns the difference between sled and spider

is that sled is a small, light vehicle with runners, used, mostly by young persons, for sliding on snow or ice while spider is any of various eight-legged, predatory arthropods, of the order araneae , most of which spin webs to catch prey.

As verbs the difference between sled and spider

is that sled is to ride a sled while spider is (internet|of a computer program) to follow links on the world wide web in order to gather information.

Spider vs Buterfly - What's the difference?

spider | buterfly |
