sparrow |
mahiti |
sparrow |
sparrow |
blackbird |
As nouns the difference between sparrow and blackbird
is that
sparrow is the house sparrow,
Passer domesticus; a small bird with a short bill, and brown, white and gray feathers while
blackbird is a common true thrush,
Turdus merula, found in woods and gardens over much of Eurasia, and introduced elsewhere.
As a proper noun Sparrow
is {{surname}.
sparrow |
hummingbirdbee |
Hummingbirdbee is likely misspelled.
Hummingbirdbee has no English definition.
As a noun sparrow
is the house sparrow,
Passer domesticus; a small bird with a short bill, and brown, white and gray feathers.
As a proper noun Sparrow
is {{surname}.
duck |
sparrow |
As nouns the difference between duck and sparrow
is that
duck is an aquatic bird of the family Anatidae, having a flat bill and webbed feet while
sparrow is the house sparrow,
Passer domesticus; a small bird with a short bill, and brown, white and gray feathers.
As proper nouns the difference between duck and sparrow
is that
duck is {{surname} while
Sparrow is {{surname}.
As a verb duck
is to lower the head or body in order to prevent it from being struck by something.
sparrow |
hummingbird |
As nouns the difference between sparrow and hummingbird
is that
sparrow is the house sparrow,
Passer domesticus; a small bird with a short bill, and brown, white and gray feathers while
hummingbird is any of various small American birds in the family Trochilidae that have the ability to hover.
As a proper noun Sparrow
is {{surname}.
crayfish |
sparrow |
As a noun crayfish
is (new england|michigan|wisconsin|minnesota) a freshwater crustacean () resembling a small lobster, sometimes used as an inexpensive seafood or as fish bait.
As a proper noun sparrow is
nightingle |
sparrow |
As a proper noun sparrow is
airplane |
sparrow |
As a noun airplane
is (us) a powered heavier-than-air aircraft with fixed wings.
As a proper noun sparrow is
sparrow |
passeriform |
As a noun sparrow
is the house sparrow,
Passer domesticus; a small bird with a short bill, and brown, white and gray feathers.
As a proper noun Sparrow
is {{surname}.
As an adjective passeriform is
of or pertaining to a sparrow; sparrow-like; bird-like.