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Source vs Resiurce - What's the difference?

source | resiurce |

Wikidiffcom vs Source - What's the difference?

wikidiffcom | source |

As a noun source is

the person, place or thing from which something (information, goods, etc) comes or is acquired.

As a verb source is

(chiefly|us) to obtain or procure:.

Key vs Source - What's the difference?

key | source | Related terms |

In computing terms the difference between key and source

is that key is (more usually to key in) To enter (information) by typing on a keyboard or keypad while source is source code.

As nouns the difference between key and source

is that key is an object designed to open and close a lock while source is the person, place, or thing from which something (information, goods, etc.) comes or is acquired.

As verbs the difference between key and source

is that key is to fit (a lock) with a key while source is to obtain or procure: used especially of a business resource.

As an adjective key

is indispensable, supremely important.

As a proper noun Key

is {{surname}.

Rudiment vs Source - What's the difference?

rudiment | source | Related terms |

Rudiment is a related term of source.

As nouns the difference between rudiment and source

is that rudiment is a fundamental principle or skill, especially in a field of learning (often in the plural) while source is the person, place or thing from which something (information, goods, etc) comes or is acquired.

As a verb source is

(chiefly|us) to obtain or procure:.

Core vs Source - What's the difference?

core | source | Related terms |

Core is a related term of source.

As nouns the difference between core and source

is that core is crow while source is the person, place or thing from which something (information, goods, etc) comes or is acquired.

As a verb source is

(chiefly|us) to obtain or procure:.

Provides vs Source - What's the difference?

provides | source |

As verbs the difference between provides and source

is that provides is (provide) while source is (chiefly|us) to obtain or procure:.

As a noun source is

the person, place or thing from which something (information, goods, etc) comes or is acquired.

Source vs Introduction - What's the difference?

source | introduction | Related terms |

As nouns the difference between source and introduction

is that source is the person, place, or thing from which something (information, goods, etc.) comes or is acquired while introduction is the act or process of introducing.

As a verb source

is to obtain or procure: used especially of a business resource.

Source vs Original - What's the difference?

source | original |

As nouns the difference between source and original

is that source is the person, place, or thing from which something (information, goods, etc.) comes or is acquired while original is an object or other creation (e.g. narrative work) from which all later copies and variations are derived.

As a verb source

is to obtain or procure: used especially of a business resource.

As an adjective original is

relating to the origin or beginning; preceding all others.

Essence vs Source - What's the difference?

essence | source | Related terms |

As nouns the difference between essence and source

is that essence is (inherent nature)The inherent nature of a thing or idea while source is the person, place, or thing from which something (information, goods, etc.) comes or is acquired.

As a verb source is

to obtain or procure: used especially of a business resource.

Source vs Emergence - What's the difference?

source | emergence | Related terms |

Source is a related term of emergence.

As nouns the difference between source and emergence

is that source is the person, place or thing from which something (information, goods, etc) comes or is acquired while emergence is emergence.

As a verb source

is (chiefly|us) to obtain or procure:.
