What's the difference between
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Snort vs Sneer - What's the difference?

snort | sneer |

In intransitive terms the difference between snort and sneer

is that snort is to make a snort; to exhale roughly through the nose while sneer is to raise a corner of the upper lip slightly, especially in scorn.

Banter vs Sneer - What's the difference?

banter | sneer | Related terms |

In intransitive terms the difference between banter and sneer

is that banter is to play or do something amusing while sneer is to raise a corner of the upper lip slightly, especially in scorn.

In transitive terms the difference between banter and sneer

is that banter is to delude or trick; to play a prank upon while sneer is to utter with a grimace or contemptuous expression; to say sneeringly.

Mockery vs Sneer - What's the difference?

mockery | sneer | Related terms |

As nouns the difference between mockery and sneer

is that mockery is the action of mocking; ridicule, derision while sneer is a facial expression where one slightly raises one corner of the upper lip, generally indicating scorn.

As a verb sneer is

to raise a corner of the upper lip slightly, especially in scorn.

Chuckle vs Sneer - What's the difference?

chuckle | sneer |

As nouns the difference between chuckle and sneer

is that chuckle is a quiet laugh while sneer is a facial expression where one slightly raises one corner of the upper lip, generally indicating scorn.

As verbs the difference between chuckle and sneer

is that chuckle is to laugh quietly or inwardly while sneer is to raise a corner of the upper lip slightly, especially in scorn.

Sneer vs Titter - What's the difference?

sneer | titter |

As verbs the difference between sneer and titter

is that sneer is to raise a corner of the upper lip slightly, especially in scorn while titter is to laugh or giggle in a somewhat subdued manner.

As nouns the difference between sneer and titter

is that sneer is a facial expression where one slightly raises one corner of the upper lip, generally indicating scorn while titter is a nervous or repressed giggle.

Sneer vs Sneer - What's the difference?

sneer | sneer |

In lang=en terms the difference between sneer and sneer

is that sneer is to utter with a grimace or contemptuous expression; to say sneeringly while sneer is to utter with a grimace or contemptuous expression; to say sneeringly.

As verbs the difference between sneer and sneer

is that sneer is to raise a corner of the upper lip slightly, especially in scorn while sneer is to raise a corner of the upper lip slightly, especially in scorn.

As nouns the difference between sneer and sneer

is that sneer is a facial expression where one slightly raises one corner of the upper lip, generally indicating scorn while sneer is a facial expression where one slightly raises one corner of the upper lip, generally indicating scorn.

Burlesque vs Sneer - What's the difference?

burlesque | sneer | Related terms |

Burlesque is a related term of sneer.

As nouns the difference between burlesque and sneer

is that burlesque is a derisive art form that mocks by imitation; a parody while sneer is a facial expression where one slightly raises one corner of the upper lip, generally indicating scorn.

As verbs the difference between burlesque and sneer

is that burlesque is to make a parody of while sneer is to raise a corner of the upper lip slightly, especially in scorn.

As an adjective burlesque

is parodical; parodic.

Sneer vs Disapprove - What's the difference?

sneer | disapprove |

As verbs the difference between sneer and disapprove

is that sneer is to raise a corner of the upper lip slightly, especially in scorn while disapprove is to condemn; consider wrong or inappropriate.

As a noun sneer

is a facial expression where one slightly raises one corner of the upper lip, generally indicating scorn.

Sneer vs Spite - What's the difference?

sneer | spite |

In lang=en terms the difference between sneer and spite

is that sneer is to utter with a grimace or contemptuous expression; to say sneeringly while spite is to fill with spite; to offend; to vex.

As verbs the difference between sneer and spite

is that sneer is to raise a corner of the upper lip slightly, especially in scorn while spite is to treat maliciously; to try to injure or thwart.

As nouns the difference between sneer and spite

is that sneer is a facial expression where one slightly raises one corner of the upper lip, generally indicating scorn while spite is ill will or hatred toward another, accompanied with the disposition to irritate, annoy, or thwart; a desire to vex or injure; petty malice; grudge; rancor.

As a preposition spite is

notwithstanding; despite.

Snub vs Sneer - What's the difference?

snub | sneer |

In transitive terms the difference between snub and sneer

is that snub is to clip or break off the end of; to check or stunt the growth of while sneer is to utter with a grimace or contemptuous expression; to say sneeringly.

As an adjective snub

is conspicuously short.
