What's the difference between
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Scam vs Shuttle - What's the difference?

scam | shuttle |

As nouns the difference between scam and shuttle

is that scam is fraudulent deal while shuttle is (weaving) the part of a loom that carries the woof back and forth between the warp threads.

As verbs the difference between scam and shuttle

is that scam is to defraud or embezzle while shuttle is to go back and forth between two places.

Scam vs Differ - What's the difference?

scam | differ |

As verbs the difference between scam and differ

is that scam is to defraud or embezzle while differ is not to have the same traits, characteristics.

As a noun scam

is fraudulent deal.

Rogue vs Scam - What's the difference?

rogue | scam |

As verbs the difference between rogue and scam

is that rogue is while scam is to defraud or embezzle.

As a noun scam is

fraudulent deal.

Crook vs Scam - What's the difference?

crook | scam |

As nouns the difference between crook and scam

is that crook is a bend; turn; curve; curvature; a flexure while scam is fraudulent deal.

As verbs the difference between crook and scam

is that crook is to bend while scam is to defraud or embezzle.

As an adjective crook

is bad, unsatisfactory, not up to standard.

Scam vs Delude - What's the difference?

scam | delude |

As verbs the difference between scam and delude

is that scam is to defraud or embezzle while delude is to deceive into believing something which is false; to lead into error; to dupe.

As a noun scam

is fraudulent deal.

Fraudulent vs Scam - What's the difference?

fraudulent | scam |

As an adjective fraudulent

is dishonest; based on fraud or deception.

As a noun scam is

fraudulent deal.

As a verb scam is

to defraud or embezzle.

Scam vs Legit - What's the difference?

scam | legit |

As a noun scam

is fraudulent deal.

As a verb scam

is to defraud or embezzle.

As an adjective legit is

legitimate; legal; allowed by the rules.

Iphone vs Scam - What's the difference?

iphone | scam |

As nouns the difference between iphone and scam

is that iphone is a smartphone of a series produced by , which typically combine a camera phone, pda, multimedia player, and wireless communication device while scam is fraudulent deal.

As a verb scam is

to defraud or embezzle.

Scam vs Deceit - What's the difference?

scam | deceit |

As nouns the difference between scam and deceit

is that scam is fraudulent deal while deceit is an act or practice intended to deceive; a trick.

As a verb scam

is to defraud or embezzle.

Donation vs Scam - What's the difference?

donation | scam |

As nouns the difference between donation and scam

is that donation is a voluntary gift or contribution for a specific cause while scam is fraudulent deal.

As a verb scam is

to defraud or embezzle.
