rich |
sumptuous |
As adjectives the difference between rich and sumptuous
is that
rich is wealthy: having a lot of money and possessions while
sumptuous is magnificent, luxurious, splendid.
As a verb rich
is to enrich.
As a proper noun Rich
is a diminutive=Richard given name.
fortunate |
rich |
As adjectives the difference between fortunate and rich
is that
fortunate is coming by good luck or favorable chance while
rich is wealthy: having a lot of money and possessions.
As a verb rich is
to enrich.
As a proper noun Rich is
a diminutive=Richard given name.
rich |
vibrant |
As an adjective rich
is as hell, very .
As a noun vibrant is
go |
rich |
As a noun go
is water.
As an adjective rich is
as hell, very .
rich |
aged |
As adjectives the difference between rich and aged
is that
rich is as hell, very while
aged is .
rich |
aging |
As adjectives the difference between rich and aging
is that
rich is as hell, very while
aging is becoming elderly.
As a verb aging is
As a noun aging is
the process of becoming older or more mature.
rich |
humble |
As adjectives the difference between rich and humble
is that
rich is as hell, very while
humble is near the ground; not high or lofty; not pretentious or magnificent; unpretending; unassuming; as, a humble cottage or
humble can be hornless.
As a verb humble is
to bring low; to reduce the power, independence, or exaltation of; to lower; to abase; to humiliate.
rich |
paddy |
In obsolete terms the difference between rich and paddy
is that
rich is to enrich while
paddy is low; mean; boorish; vagabond.
As a verb rich
is to enrich.
As a noun paddy is
rice, before it is milled.
rich |
dramatic |
As adjectives the difference between rich and dramatic
is that
rich is as hell, very while
dramatic is dramatic.
rich |
uphold |
As an adjective rich
is as hell, very .
As a verb uphold is
to hold up; to lift on high; to elevate.