What's the difference between
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Relating vs Concern - What's the difference?

relating | concern |

As verbs the difference between relating and concern

is that relating is present participle of lang=en while concern is to relate or belong to; to have reference to or connection with; to affect the interest of; to be of importance to.

As nouns the difference between relating and concern

is that relating is the act of relating, or forming or identifying relationships; relation while concern is that which affects one's welfare or happiness.

Regard vs Relating - What's the difference?

regard | relating |

As nouns the difference between regard and relating

is that regard is a steady look, a gaze while relating is the act of relating, or forming or identifying relationships; relation.

As verbs the difference between regard and relating

is that regard is to set store by (something), to hold (someone) in esteem; to consider to have value, to respect while relating is present participle of lang=en.

Relating vs Attendant - What's the difference?

relating | attendant |

As nouns the difference between relating and attendant

is that relating is the act of relating, or forming or identifying relationships; relation while attendant is one who attends; one who works with or watches something.

As a verb relating

is .

As an adjective attendant is

going with; associated; concomitant.

Relating vs Combined - What's the difference?

relating | combined |

As verbs the difference between relating and combined

is that relating is while combined is (combine).

As a noun relating

is the act of relating, or forming or identifying relationships; relation.

As an adjective combined is

resulting from the addition of several sources, parts, elements, aspects, etc able to be united together, to converge.

Relevant vs Relating - What's the difference?

relevant | relating |

As an adjective relevant

is directly related, connected, or pertinent to a topic.

As a verb relating is


As a noun relating is

the act of relating, or forming or identifying relationships; relation.

Associated vs Relating - What's the difference?

associated | relating |

As verbs the difference between associated and relating

is that associated is (associate) while relating is .

As a noun relating is

the act of relating, or forming or identifying relationships; relation.

Category vs Relating - What's the difference?

category | relating |

As nouns the difference between category and relating

is that category is a group, often named or numbered, to which items are assigned based on similarity or defined criteria while relating is the act of relating, or forming or identifying relationships; relation.

As a verb relating is

present participle of lang=en.

Corresponding vs Relating - What's the difference?

corresponding | relating |

As verbs the difference between corresponding and relating

is that corresponding is present participle of lang=en while relating is present participle of lang=en.

As nouns the difference between corresponding and relating

is that corresponding is action of the verb to correspondrelating is the act of relating, or forming or identifying relationships; relation.

As an adjective corresponding

is that have a similar relationship.

Relating vs Pertinent - What's the difference?

relating | pertinent |

As a verb relating

is .

As a noun relating

is the act of relating, or forming or identifying relationships; relation.

As an adjective pertinent is

important with regard to (a subject or matter); relevant.

Relating vs Description - What's the difference?

relating | description | Related terms |

Relating is a related term of description.

As nouns the difference between relating and description

is that relating is the act of relating, or forming or identifying relationships; relation while description is a sketch or account of anything in words; a portraiture or representation in language; an enumeration of the essential qualities of a thing or species.

As a verb relating

is .
