refs |
efs |
As nouns the difference between refs and efs
is that
refs is while
efs is event-free survival.
As a verb refs
is (
reft |
refs |
As verbs the difference between reft and refs
is that
reft is (
reave) while
refs is (
As nouns the difference between reft and refs
is that
reft is a chink; a rift while
refs is .
refs |
revs |
As nouns the difference between refs and revs
is that
refs is while
revs is .
As a verb refs
is (
recs |
refs |
As nouns the difference between recs and refs
is that
recs is while
refs is .
As a verb refs is
refs |
reds |
As nouns the difference between refs and reds
is that
refs is while
reds is .
As a verb refs
is (
refs |
rews |
As nouns the difference between refs and rews
is that
refs is while
rews is .
As a verb refs
is (
refs |
nefs |
As nouns the difference between refs and nefs
is that
refs is while
nefs is .
As a verb refs
is (
rens |
refs |
As nouns the difference between rens and refs
is that
rens is while
refs is .
As a verb refs is
rems |
refs |
As a proper noun rems
is a tributary of the neckar in eastern.
As a noun refs is
As a verb refs is
refs |
hefs |
As nouns the difference between refs and hefs
is that
refs is while
hefs is .
As a verb refs
is (