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Niggardly vs Puny - What's the difference?

niggardly | puny | Related terms |

Niggardly is a related term of puny.

As adjectives the difference between niggardly and puny

is that niggardly is withholding for the sake of meanness; stingy, miserly while puny is of inferior size, strength or significance.

As an adverb niggardly

is in a parsimonious way; sparingly, stingily.

As a noun puny is

(obsolete) a new pupil at a school etc; a junior student.

Inconsequential vs Puny - What's the difference?

inconsequential | puny | Related terms |

Inconsequential is a related term of puny.

As adjectives the difference between inconsequential and puny

is that inconsequential is having no consequence, not consequential, of little importance while puny is of inferior size, strength or significance.

As nouns the difference between inconsequential and puny

is that inconsequential is something unimportant; something that does not matter while puny is (obsolete) a new pupil at a school etc; a junior student.

Puny vs Flimsy - What's the difference?

puny | flimsy | Related terms |

Puny is a related term of flimsy.

As nouns the difference between puny and flimsy

is that puny is (obsolete) a new pupil at a school etc; a junior student while flimsy is thin typing paper used to make multiple copies.

As adjectives the difference between puny and flimsy

is that puny is of inferior size, strength or significance while flimsy is likely to bend or break under pressure; weak, shaky, flexible, or fragile.

Slight vs Puny - What's the difference?

slight | puny | Related terms |

Slight is a related term of puny.

In obsolete|lang=en terms the difference between slight and puny

is that slight is (obsolete) foolish; silly; weak in intellect while puny is (obsolete) a beginner, a novice.

As adjectives the difference between slight and puny

is that slight is small, weak or gentle; not decidedly marked; not forcible; inconsiderable; unimportant; insignificant; not severe while puny is of inferior size, strength or significance.

As nouns the difference between slight and puny

is that slight is the act of slighting; a deliberate act of neglect or discourtesy while puny is (obsolete) a new pupil at a school etc; a junior student.

As a verb slight

is to treat as slight or not worthy of attention, to make light of.

Little vs Puny - What's the difference?

little | puny | Related terms |

As adjectives the difference between little and puny

is that little is small in size while puny is of inferior size, strength or significance.

As an adverb little

is not much.

As a determiner little

is not much, only a little: only a small amount (of).

As a proper noun Little

is {{surname}.

As a noun puny is

a new pupil at a school etc.; a junior student.

Measly vs Puny - What's the difference?

measly | puny | Related terms |

Measly is a related term of puny.

As adjectives the difference between measly and puny

is that measly is small in amount, contemptibly so or measly can be infected with measles while puny is of inferior size, strength or significance.

As a noun puny is

(obsolete) a new pupil at a school etc; a junior student.

Fragile vs Puny - What's the difference?

fragile | puny |

As adjectives the difference between fragile and puny

is that fragile is easily broken or destroyed, and thus often of subtle or intricate structure while puny is of inferior size, strength or significance.

As a noun puny is

(obsolete) a new pupil at a school etc; a junior student.

Pung vs Puny - What's the difference?

pung | puny |

As nouns the difference between pung and puny

is that pung is (us|canada) a low box-like sleigh designed to be pulled by one horse while puny is (obsolete) a new pupil at a school etc; a junior student.

As an adjective puny is

of inferior size, strength or significance.

Puny vs Piny - What's the difference?

puny | piny |

As adjectives the difference between puny and piny

is that puny is of inferior size, strength or significance while piny is of, pertaining to, or having many pines.

As a noun puny

is (obsolete) a new pupil at a school etc; a junior student.

Cuny vs Puny - What's the difference?

cuny | puny |

As nouns the difference between cuny and puny

is that cuny is (nautical) an ordinary seaman while puny is (obsolete) a new pupil at a school etc; a junior student.

As an adjective puny is

of inferior size, strength or significance.
