What's the difference between
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Smug vs Prim - What's the difference?

smug | prim |

As an adjective smug

is irritatingly pleased with oneself; self-satisfied.

As a verb smug

is (obsolete|transitive) to make smug, or spruce.

As a noun prim is

prime (the first note or tone of a musical scale).

Primarily vs Prim - What's the difference?

primarily | prim |

As an adverb primarily

is (focus) of a primary or central nature, first and foremost.

As a noun prim is

prime (the first note or tone of a musical scale).

Feminine vs Prim - What's the difference?

feminine | prim |

As an adjective feminine

is .

As a noun prim is

prime (the first note or tone of a musical scale).

Main vs Prim - What's the difference?

main | prim |

As adjectives the difference between main and prim

is that main is great in size or degree; vast; strong; powerful; important while prim is prudish, straight-laced.

As nouns the difference between main and prim

is that main is strength; power; force; violent effort while prim is privet.

As an adverb main

is very; very much; greatly; mightily; extremely; exceedingly.

As a proper noun Main

is a river in southern Germany, flowing from Bavaria to the Rhine.

As a verb prim is

to make affectedly precise or proper.

Tidy vs Prim - What's the difference?

tidy | prim |

As a proper noun tidy

is .

As a noun prim is

prime (the first note or tone of a musical scale).

Prim vs Stilted - What's the difference?

prim | stilted | Related terms |

Prim is a related term of stilted.

As a noun prim

is prime (the first note or tone of a musical scale).

As an adjective stilted is

stiff and artificially formal.

Prim vs Cold - What's the difference?

prim | cold | Related terms |

Prim is a related term of cold.

As nouns the difference between prim and cold

is that prim is prime (the first note or tone of a musical scale) while cold is a condition of low temperature.

As an adjective cold is

(label) having a low temperature.

As an adverb cold is

while at low temperature.

Prim vs Dal - What's the difference?

prim | dal |

Dal is likely misspelled.

Dal has no English definition.

As an adjective prim

is prudish, straight-laced.

As a verb prim

is to make affectedly precise or proper.

As a noun prim

is privet.

Prim vs Neat - What's the difference?

prim | neat |

As nouns the difference between prim and neat

is that prim is prime (the first note or tone of a musical scale) while neat is (archaic) a bull or cow or neat can be an artificial intelligence researcher who believes that solutions should be elegant, clear and provably correct compare scruffy.

As an adjective neat is

clean, tidy; free from dirt or impurities.

Primary vs Prim - What's the difference?

primary | prim |

As nouns the difference between primary and prim

is that primary is a primary election; a preliminary election to select a political candidate of a political party while prim is prime (the first note or tone of a musical scale).

As an adjective primary

is the first in a group or series.

As a verb primary

is (us|intransitive) to take part in a primary election.
