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Arrival vs Pretense - What's the difference?

arrival | pretense | Related terms |

Arrival is a related term of pretense.

As nouns the difference between arrival and pretense

is that arrival is the act of arriving or something that has arrived while pretense is (us) a false or hypocritical profession, as, under pretense of friendliness.

Facade vs Pretense - What's the difference?

facade | pretense |

Pretense is a synonym of facade.

As nouns the difference between facade and pretense

is that facade is alternative form of façade|lang=en while pretense is a false or hypocritical profession, as, under pretense of friendliness.

Bluff vs Pretense - What's the difference?

bluff | pretense |

As nouns the difference between bluff and pretense

is that bluff is an act of bluffing; a false expression of the strength of one's position in order to intimidate; braggadocio while pretense is a false or hypocritical profession, as, under pretense of friendliness.

As a verb bluff

is ( To make a bluff; to give the impression that one's hand is stronger than it is.

As an adjective bluff

is having a broad, flattened front.

As a proper noun Bluff

is the southernmost town in the South Island of New Zealand, and seaport for the Southland region.

Wikidiffcom vs Pretense - What's the difference?

wikidiffcom | pretense |

Wikidiffcom is likely misspelled.

Wikidiffcom has no English definition.

As a noun pretense is

a false or hypocritical profession, as, under pretense of friendliness.

Pretense vs Portense - What's the difference?

pretense | portense |

Portense is often a misspelling of pretense.

Portense has no English definition.

As a noun pretense

is a false or hypocritical profession, as, under pretense of friendliness.

Pretense - What does it mean?

pretense | |

Pretense vs Profess - What's the difference?

pretense | profess |

As a noun pretense

is a false or hypocritical profession, as, under pretense of friendliness.

As a verb profess is

to administer the vows of a religious order to (someone); to admit to a religious order. (Chiefly in passive..

Pretense vs Pretensiousness - What's the difference?

pretense | pretensiousness |

Pretensiousness is often a misspelling of pretense.

Pretensiousness has no English definition.

As a noun pretense

is a false or hypocritical profession, as, under pretense of friendliness.

Pretense vs Hypocrisyampflash - What's the difference?

pretense | hypocrisyampflash |

Prententions vs Pretense - What's the difference?

prententions | pretense |

Prententions is likely misspelled.

Prententions has no English definition.

As a noun pretense is

a false or hypocritical profession, as, under pretense of friendliness.
