What's the difference between
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Predicament vs Hepless - What's the difference?

predicament | hepless |

Wikidiffcom vs Predicament - What's the difference?

wikidiffcom | predicament |

As a noun predicament is

a definite class, state or condition.

Predicament vs Clutch - What's the difference?

predicament | clutch | Related terms |

As nouns the difference between predicament and clutch

is that predicament is a definite class, state or condition while clutch is the claw of a predatory animal or bird.

As a verb clutch is

to seize, as though with claws.

As an adjective clutch is

performing or tending to perform well in difficult, high-pressure situations.

Position vs Predicament - What's the difference?

position | predicament | Synonyms |

Position is a synonym of predicament.

As nouns the difference between position and predicament

is that position is while predicament is a definite class, state or condition.

Predicament vs Exigency - What's the difference?

predicament | exigency | Related terms |

Predicament is a related term of exigency.

As nouns the difference between predicament and exigency

is that predicament is a definite class, state or condition while exigency is the demands or requirements of a situation (usually plural ).

Predicament vs Necessity - What's the difference?

predicament | necessity | Related terms |

Predicament is a related term of necessity.

As nouns the difference between predicament and necessity

is that predicament is a definite class, state or condition while necessity is the quality or state of being necessary, unavoidable, or absolutely requisite.

Predicament vs Jam - What's the difference?

predicament | jam | Related terms |

Predicament is a related term of jam.

As a noun predicament

is a definite class, state or condition.

As a symbol jam is

the iso 3166-1 three-letter (alpha-3) code for jamaica.

Strait vs Predicament - What's the difference?

strait | predicament | Related terms |

As nouns the difference between strait and predicament

is that strait is a narrow channel of water connecting two larger bodies of water while predicament is a definite class, state or condition.

As an adjective strait

is narrow; restricted as to space or room; close.

As a verb strait

is to put to difficulties.

As an adverb strait

is strictly; rigorously.

Predicament vs Hardship - What's the difference?

predicament | hardship | Related terms |

Predicament is a related term of hardship.

As nouns the difference between predicament and hardship

is that predicament is a definite class, state or condition while hardship is (countable or uncountable) difficulty or trouble; hard times.

Predicament vs Scrape - What's the difference?

predicament | scrape | Related terms |

Predicament is a related term of scrape.

As nouns the difference between predicament and scrape

is that predicament is a definite class, state or condition while scrape is a broad, shallow injury left by scraping (rather than a cut or a scratch).

As a verb scrape is

to draw an object, especially a sharp or angular one, along (something) while exerting pressure.
