What's the difference between
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Elegant vs Ordinary - What's the difference?

elegant | ordinary |

As an adjective elegant

is elegant.

As a noun ordinary is

the part of the roman catholic mass that is the same every day.

Overall vs Ordinary - What's the difference?

overall | ordinary |

As nouns the difference between overall and ordinary

is that overall is (british) a garment worn over other clothing to protect it; a coverall or boiler suit a garment, for manual labor or for casual wear, often made of a single piece of fabric, with long legs and a bib upper, supported from the shoulders with straps, and having several large pockets and loops for carrying tools while ordinary is the part of the roman catholic mass that is the same every day.

As an adjective overall

is all-encompassing, all around.

As an adverb overall

is generally; with everything considered.

Innovation vs Ordinary - What's the difference?

innovation | ordinary |

As nouns the difference between innovation and ordinary

is that innovation is the act of innovating; the introduction of something new, in customs, rites, etc while ordinary is a devotional manual.

As an adjective ordinary is

having regular jurisdiction; now only used in certain phrases.

Taxonomy vs Ordinary - What's the difference?

taxonomy | ordinary |

As nouns the difference between taxonomy and ordinary

is that taxonomy is the science or the technique used to make a classification while ordinary is the part of the roman catholic mass that is the same every day.

Widespread vs Ordinary - What's the difference?

widespread | ordinary |

As adjectives the difference between widespread and ordinary

is that widespread is affecting a large area (e.g. the entire land or body); broad in extent; widely diffused while ordinary is having regular jurisdiction; now only used in certain phrases.

As a noun ordinary is

a devotional manual.

Ordinary vs Normally - What's the difference?

ordinary | normally |

As an adjective ordinary

is having regular jurisdiction; now only used in certain phrases.

As a noun ordinary

is a devotional manual.

As an adverb normally is

under normal conditions or circumstances; usually; most of the time.

Ordinary vs Comman - What's the difference?

ordinary | comman |

Comman is likely misspelled.

Comman has no English definition.

As an adjective ordinary

is having regular jurisdiction; now only used in certain phrases.

As a noun ordinary

is a devotional manual.

Standard vs Ordinary - What's the difference?

standard | ordinary |

Ordinary is a synonym of standard.

As nouns the difference between standard and ordinary

is that standard is a principle or example or measure used for comparison while ordinary is a devotional manual.

As adjectives the difference between standard and ordinary

is that standard is falling within an accepted range of size, amount, power, quality, etc while ordinary is having regular jurisdiction; now only used in certain phrases.

Quaint vs Ordinary - What's the difference?

quaint | ordinary |

As nouns the difference between quaint and ordinary

is that quaint is (archaic) the vulva while ordinary is the part of the roman catholic mass that is the same every day.

As an adjective quaint

is (obsolete) of a person: cunning, crafty.

Ordinary vs Outstanding - What's the difference?

ordinary | outstanding |

As a noun ordinary

is the part of the roman catholic mass that is the same every day.

As an adjective outstanding is

prominent or noticeable; standing out from others.
