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Obtuse vs Stubborn - What's the difference?

obtuse | stubborn |

As adjectives the difference between obtuse and stubborn

is that obtuse is blunt; not sharp while stubborn is refusing to move or to change one's opinion; obstinate; firmly resisting.

Obtuse vs Curt - What's the difference?

obtuse | curt | Related terms |

Obtuse is a related term of curt.

As an adjective obtuse

is blunt; not sharp.

As a proper noun curt is

a short form of the male given name curtis.

Obtuse vs Impolite - What's the difference?

obtuse | impolite | Related terms |

Obtuse is a related term of impolite.

As adjectives the difference between obtuse and impolite

is that obtuse is blunt; not sharp while impolite is not polite; not of polished manners; wanting in good manners.

Cheerless vs Obtuse - What's the difference?

cheerless | obtuse | Related terms |

As adjectives the difference between cheerless and obtuse

is that cheerless is devoid of cheer; gloomy while obtuse is blunt; not sharp.

Gross vs Obtuse - What's the difference?

gross | obtuse | Related terms |

As adjectives the difference between gross and obtuse

is that gross is disgusting while obtuse is blunt; not sharp.

As a noun gross

is twelve dozen = 144.

As a verb gross

is to earn money, not including expenses.

As a proper noun Gross

is {{surname|from=Middle English}}, originally a nickname for a big man, from Middle English {{term|gros||large|lang=enm}}.

Sleepy vs Obtuse - What's the difference?

sleepy | obtuse | Related terms |

Sleepy is a related term of obtuse.

As adjectives the difference between sleepy and obtuse

is that sleepy is tired; feeling the need for sleep while obtuse is blunt; not sharp.

As a noun sleepy

is (informal) the gum that builds up in the eye.

Obtuse vs Lifeless - What's the difference?

obtuse | lifeless | Related terms |

Obtuse is a related term of lifeless.

As adjectives the difference between obtuse and lifeless

is that obtuse is blunt; not sharp while lifeless is inanimate; having no life.

Obtuse vs Coarse - What's the difference?

obtuse | coarse | Related terms |

Obtuse is a related term of coarse.

As adjectives the difference between obtuse and coarse

is that obtuse is blunt; not sharp while coarse is composed of large parts or particles; of inferior quality or appearance; not fine in material or close in texture.

Inanimate vs Obtuse - What's the difference?

inanimate | obtuse | Related terms |

Inanimate is a related term of obtuse.

As adjectives the difference between inanimate and obtuse

is that inanimate is lacking the quality or ability of motion; as an inanimate object while obtuse is blunt; not sharp.

As a noun inanimate

is something that is not alive.

As a verb inanimate

is (obsolete) to animate .

Witless vs Obtuse - What's the difference?

witless | obtuse | Related terms |

Obtuse is a antonym of witless.

As adjectives the difference between witless and obtuse

is that witless is destitute of wit or understanding; wanting thought; hence, indiscreet; not under the guidance of judgment while obtuse is blunt; not sharp.
