What's the difference between
Enter two words to compare and contrast their definitions, origins, and synonyms to better understand how those words are related.


Make vs Improve - What's the difference?

make | improve |

As a noun make

is skin (on liquids), sputum, placenta.

As a verb improve is

(lb) to make (something) better; to increase the value or productivity (of something).

Make vs Across - What's the difference?

make | across |

As nouns the difference between make and across

is that make is skin (on liquids), sputum, placenta while across is (crosswords) a clue whose solution runs horizontally in the grid.

As a preposition across is

to, toward or from the far side of (something that lies between two points of interest).

As an adverb across is

from one side to the other.

Make vs Formularise - What's the difference?

make | formularise |

As a noun make

is skin (on liquids), sputum, placenta.

As a verb formularise is

(british) to express as a formula, to formulate.

Weave vs Make - What's the difference?

weave | make |

As nouns the difference between weave and make

is that weave is a type or way of weaving while make is skin (on liquids), sputum, placenta.

As a verb weave

is to form something by passing lengths or strands of material over and under one another or weave can be to move by turning and twisting.

Make vs Issue - What's the difference?

make | issue |

As nouns the difference between make and issue

is that make is skin (on liquids), sputum, placenta while issue is a monacan indian; a member of a mestee group originating in amherst county, virginia.

Make vs Rid - What's the difference?

make | rid |

As a noun make

is skin (on liquids), sputum, placenta.

As an adjective rid is

released from an obligation, problem, etc (usually followed by "of").

As a verb rid is

to free from something or rid can be (obsolete) (ride).

Make vs Head - What's the difference?

make | head |

As a noun make

is skin (on liquids), sputum, placenta.

As a proper noun head is

, from residence near a hilltop or the head of a river, or a byname for someone with an odd-looking head.

Conquer vs Make - What's the difference?

conquer | make |

As a verb conquer

is to defeat in combat; to subjugate.

As a noun make is

skin (on liquids), sputum, placenta.

Induce vs Make - What's the difference?

induce | make |

As a verb induce

is to lead by persuasion or influence; incite.

As a noun make is

skin (on liquids), sputum, placenta.

Produced vs Make - What's the difference?

produced | make |

As verbs the difference between produced and make

is that produced is past tense of produce while make is To create.

As a noun make is

brand or kind; often paired with model. {{jump|brand|s|t}.
