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Insult vs Impudence - What's the difference?

insult | impudence | Synonyms |

Insult is a synonym of impudence.

As nouns the difference between insult and impudence

is that insult is an action or form of speech deliberately intended to be rude while impudence is the quality of being impudent, not showing due respect.

As a verb insult

is (obsolete|intransitive) to behave in an obnoxious and superior manner (over, against).

Consult vs Insult - What's the difference?

consult | insult |

In obsolete terms the difference between consult and insult

is that consult is : Agreement; concert while insult is the act of leaping on; onset; attack.

In transitive terms the difference between consult and insult

is that consult is to have reference to, in judging or acting; to have regard to; to consider; as, to consult one's wishes while insult is to offend (someone) by being rude, insensitive or insolent; to demean or affront (someone).

Insult vs Exasperate - What's the difference?

insult | exasperate | Related terms |

Insult is a related term of exasperate.

In obsolete|lang=en terms the difference between insult and exasperate

is that insult is (obsolete) the act of leaping on; onset; attack while exasperate is (obsolete) exasperated; embittered.

As verbs the difference between insult and exasperate

is that insult is (obsolete|intransitive) to behave in an obnoxious and superior manner (over, against) while exasperate is to frustrate, vex, provoke, or annoy; to make angry.

As a noun insult

is an action or form of speech deliberately intended to be rude.

As an adjective exasperate is

(obsolete) exasperated; embittered.

Insult vs Em - What's the difference?

insult | em |

As a verb insult

is (obsolete|intransitive) to behave in an obnoxious and superior manner (over, against).

As a noun insult

is an action or form of speech deliberately intended to be rude.

As a preposition em is

around, round.

As an adverb em is

around, about.

Insult vs Embarrasem - What's the difference?

insult | embarrasem |

Insult vs Embarrasement - What's the difference?

insult | embarrasement |

Aspersion vs Insult - What's the difference?

aspersion | insult |

As nouns the difference between aspersion and insult

is that aspersion is an attack on somebody's reputation or good name, often in the phrase to cast aspersions upon… while insult is an action or form of speech deliberately intended to be rude.

As a verb insult is

(obsolete|intransitive) to behave in an obnoxious and superior manner (over, against).

Displease vs Insult - What's the difference?

displease | insult | Related terms |

Displease is a related term of insult.

As verbs the difference between displease and insult

is that displease is to make not pleased; to excite a feeling of disapprobation or dislike in; to be disagreeable to; to offend; to vex; -- often followed by with'' or ''at it usually expresses less than to anger, vex, irritate, or provoke while insult is (obsolete|intransitive) to behave in an obnoxious and superior manner (over, against).

As a noun insult is

an action or form of speech deliberately intended to be rude.

Insult vs Result - What's the difference?

insult | result |

In obsolete terms the difference between insult and result

is that insult is the act of leaping on; onset; attack while result is a flying back; resilience.

As verbs the difference between insult and result

is that insult is to behave in an obnoxious and superior manner (over, against) while result is to proceed, spring or rise, as a consequence, from facts, arguments, premises, combination of circumstances, consultation, thought or endeavor.

As nouns the difference between insult and result

is that insult is an action or form of speech deliberately intended to be rude while result is that which results; the conclusion or end to which any course or condition of things leads, or which is obtained by any process or operation; consequence or effect.

As an interjection result is

an exclamation of joy following a favorable outcome.

Degrade vs Insult - What's the difference?

degrade | insult |

In transitive terms the difference between degrade and insult

is that degrade is to lower in value or social position while insult is to offend (someone) by being rude, insensitive or insolent; to demean or affront (someone).

As a noun insult is

an action or form of speech deliberately intended to be rude.
