Barbarous vs Inhumane - What's the difference?
barbarous | inhumane | Related terms |As adjectives the difference between barbarous and inhumane
is that barbarous is not classical or pure while inhumane is lacking pity or compassion for misery and suffering; cruel, unkind, not humane.Inhumane vs Callous - What's the difference?
inhumane | callous | Related terms |Inhumane is a related term of callous.
As adjectives the difference between inhumane and callous
is that inhumane is lacking pity or compassion for misery and suffering; cruel, unkind, not humane while callous is emotionally hardened; unfeeling and indifferent to the suffering/feelings of others.Depraved vs Inhumane - What's the difference?
depraved | inhumane | Related terms |
Depraved is a related term of inhumane.
As adjectives the difference between depraved and inhumane
is that depraved is perverted or extremely wrong in a moral sense while inhumane is lacking pity or compassion for misery and suffering; cruel, unkind, not humane.As a verb depraved
is (deprave).Inhumane vs Diabolical - What's the difference?
inhumane | diabolical | Related terms |As adjectives the difference between inhumane and diabolical
is that inhumane is lacking pity or compassion for misery and suffering; cruel, unkind, not humane while diabolical is extremely wicked or cruel.Inhumane vs Ruthless - What's the difference?
inhumane | ruthless | Related terms |Inhumane is a related term of ruthless.
As adjectives the difference between inhumane and ruthless
is that inhumane is lacking pity or compassion for misery and suffering; cruel, unkind, not humane while ruthless is without pity or compassion; cruel, pitiless.Inhumane vs Unhumane - What's the difference?
inhumane | unhumane |Unhumane is likely misspelled.
Unhumane has no English definition.
As an adjective inhumane
is lacking pity or compassion for misery and suffering; cruel, unkind, not humane.Heartless vs Inhumane - What's the difference?
heartless | inhumane |As adjectives the difference between heartless and inhumane
is that heartless is without a heart; specifically, without feeling, emotion, or concern for others; uncaring while inhumane is lacking pity or compassion for misery and suffering; cruel, unkind, not humane.Inhumane vs Inhumate - What's the difference?
inhumane | inhumate |As an adjective inhumane
is lacking pity or compassion for misery and suffering; cruel, unkind, not humane.As a verb inhumate is
to inhume; to bury.Taxonomy vs Inhumane - What's the difference?
taxonomy | inhumane |