hateful |
hellish |
As adjectives the difference between hateful and hellish
is that
hateful is evoking a feeling of hatred while
hellish is causing pain, discomfort or distress.
hateful |
foul |
As an adjective hateful
is evoking a feeling of hatred.
As a noun foul is
foul (a breach of the rules of a game).
hateful |
vile |
As adjectives the difference between hateful and vile
is that
hateful is evoking a feeling of hatred while
vile is morally low; base; despicable.
hateful |
base |
As an adjective hateful
is evoking a feeling of hatred.
As an acronym base is
b'''uilding'', '''''a'''ntenna-tower'', '''''s'''pan'', '''''e arth .
hateful |
abhorrent |
As adjectives the difference between hateful and abhorrent
is that
hateful is evoking a feeling of hatred while
abhorrent is inconsistent with; far removed from; strongly opposed to, as,
abhorrent thoughts.
hateful |
cursed |
As adjectives the difference between hateful and cursed
is that
hateful is evoking a feeling of hatred while
cursed is .
hateful |
disgusting |
As adjectives the difference between hateful and disgusting
is that
hateful is evoking a feeling of hatred while
disgusting is causing disgust; repulsive; distasteful.
As a verb disgusting is
present participle of lang=en.
hateful |
damnable |
As adjectives the difference between hateful and damnable
is that
hateful is evoking a feeling of hatred while
damnable is capable of being damned.
hateful |
infamous |
As adjectives the difference between hateful and infamous
is that
hateful is evoking a feeling of hatred while
infamous is having a bad reputation, disreputable; of bad report; notoriously vile; detestable; widely known, especially for something bad.
hateful |
atrocious |
As adjectives the difference between hateful and atrocious
is that
hateful is evoking a feeling of hatred while
atrocious is frightful, evil, cruel or monstrous.