What's the difference between
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Gladness vs Sportiveness - What's the difference?

gladness | sportiveness | Related terms |

Gladness is a related term of sportiveness.

As nouns the difference between gladness and sportiveness

is that gladness is the state of being glad; joy while sportiveness is the state of being sportive.

Gladness vs Choice - What's the difference?

gladness | choice | Related terms |

As nouns the difference between gladness and choice

is that gladness is the state of being glad; joy while choice is an option; a decision; an opportunity to choose or select something.

As an adjective choice is

especially good or preferred.

Gladness vs Tenderness - What's the difference?

gladness | tenderness |

As nouns the difference between gladness and tenderness

is that gladness is the state of being glad; joy while tenderness is a tendency to express warm, compassionate feelings.

Humor vs Gladness - What's the difference?

humor | gladness |

As nouns the difference between humor and gladness

is that humor is an alternative spelling of from=US|lang=en while gladness is the state of being glad; joy.

As a verb humor

is an alternative spelling of from=US|lang=en.

Rejoicing vs Gladness - What's the difference?

rejoicing | gladness |

As nouns the difference between rejoicing and gladness

is that rejoicing is an act of showing joy while gladness is the state of being glad; joy.

As a verb rejoicing

is present participle of lang=en.

Grief vs Gladness - What's the difference?

grief | gladness |

As nouns the difference between grief and gladness

is that grief is suffering, hardship while gladness is the state of being glad; joy.

As a verb grief

is to deliberately harass and annoy or cause grief to other players of a game in order to interfere with their enjoyment of it; especially, to do this as one’s primary activity in the game.

Gladness vs Joyfully - What's the difference?

gladness | joyfully |

As a noun gladness

is the state of being glad; joy.

As an adverb joyfully is

in a joyful manner; joyously.

Gladden vs Gladness - What's the difference?

gladden | gladness |

As a verb gladden

is to cause (something) to become more glad.

As a noun gladness is

the state of being glad; joy.

Rejoice vs Gladness - What's the difference?

rejoice | gladness |

As a verb rejoice

is to be very happy, be delighted, exult; to feel joy.

As a noun gladness is

the state of being glad; joy.

Gladness vs Purpose - What's the difference?

gladness | purpose | Related terms |

Gladness is a related term of purpose.

As nouns the difference between gladness and purpose

is that gladness is the state of being glad; joy while purpose is an object to be reached; a target; an aim; a goal.

As a verb purpose is

have set as one's purpose; resolve to accomplish; intend; plan.
