What's the difference between
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Exorbitant vs Sheer - What's the difference?

exorbitant | sheer |

As adjectives the difference between exorbitant and sheer

is that exorbitant is exceeding proper limits; extravagant; excessive or unduly high while sheer is (textiles) very thin or transparent.

As an adverb sheer is

(archaic) clean; quite; at once.

As a noun sheer is

(nautical) the curve of the main deck or gunwale from bow to stern.

As a verb sheer is

(chiefly|nautical) to swerve from a course.

Exorbitant vs Luxurious - What's the difference?

exorbitant | luxurious |

As adjectives the difference between exorbitant and luxurious

is that exorbitant is exceeding proper limits; extravagant; excessive or unduly high while luxurious is enjoying pleasures of luxury.

Premium vs Exorbitant - What's the difference?

premium | exorbitant |

As a noun premium

is bonus (extra amount of money given as a premium).

As an adjective exorbitant is

exceeding proper limits; extravagant; excessive or unduly high.

Exorbitant vs Moderate - What's the difference?

exorbitant | moderate |

As adjectives the difference between exorbitant and moderate

is that exorbitant is exceeding proper limits; extravagant; excessive or unduly high while moderate is not excessive; acting in moderation.

As a noun moderate is

one who holds an intermediate position between extremes, as in politics.

As a verb moderate is

to reduce the excessiveness of (something).

Exorbitant vs Atrocious - What's the difference?

exorbitant | atrocious | Related terms |

Exorbitant is a related term of atrocious.

As adjectives the difference between exorbitant and atrocious

is that exorbitant is exceeding proper limits; extravagant; excessive or unduly high while atrocious is frightful, evil, cruel or monstrous.

Exorbitant vs Overmuch - What's the difference?

exorbitant | overmuch | Related terms |

Exorbitant is a related term of overmuch.

As an adjective exorbitant

is exceeding proper limits; extravagant; excessive or unduly high.

As a determiner overmuch is

(chiefly|british) very much; too much.

As an adverb overmuch is

(chiefly|british) too much; overly much.

Exorbitant vs Improvident - What's the difference?

exorbitant | improvident | Related terms |

As adjectives the difference between exorbitant and improvident

is that exorbitant is exceeding proper limits; extravagant; excessive or unduly high while improvident is failing to provide for the future; reckless.

Valuable vs Exorbitant - What's the difference?

valuable | exorbitant |

As adjectives the difference between valuable and exorbitant

is that valuable is having a great value while exorbitant is exceeding proper limits; extravagant; excessive or unduly high.

As a noun valuable

is a personal possession such as jewellery, of relatively great monetary value; — usually used in plural form.

Led vs Exorbitant - What's the difference?

led | exorbitant |

As a verb led

is (lead).

As an adjective exorbitant is

exceeding proper limits; extravagant; excessive or unduly high.

Huge vs Exorbitant - What's the difference?

huge | exorbitant |

As adjectives the difference between huge and exorbitant

is that huge is very large while exorbitant is exceeding proper limits; extravagant; excessive or unduly high.
