rational |
ethical |
As adjectives the difference between rational and ethical
is that
rational is capable of reasoning while
ethical is of or relating to the study of ethics.
As nouns the difference between rational and ethical
is that
rational is a rational number: a number that can be expressed as the quotient of two integers while
ethical is an ethical drug.
practical |
ethical |
As nouns the difference between practical and ethical
is that
practical is a part of an exam or series of exams in which the candidate has to demonstrate their practical ability while
ethical is an ethical drug.
As adjectives the difference between practical and ethical
is that
practical is based on practice or action rather than theory or hypothesis while
ethical is of or relating to the study of ethics.
fair |
ethical |
As a proper noun fair
is .
As an adjective ethical is
(philosophy|not comparable) of or relating to the study of ethics.
As a noun ethical is
an ethical drug.
mortality |
ethical |
As nouns the difference between mortality and ethical
is that
mortality is the condition of being susceptible to death while
ethical is an ethical drug.
As an adjective ethical is
(philosophy|not comparable) of or relating to the study of ethics.
truth |
ethical |
As nouns the difference between truth and ethical
is that
truth is the state or quality of being true to someone or something while
ethical is an ethical drug.
As a verb truth
is (obsolete|transitive) to assert as true; to declare, to speak truthfully.
As an adjective ethical is
(philosophy|not comparable) of or relating to the study of ethics.
virtuous |
ethical |
As adjectives the difference between virtuous and ethical
is that
virtuous is full of virtue, having excellent moral character while
ethical is (philosophy|not comparable) of or relating to the study of ethics.
As a noun ethical is
an ethical drug.
ethical |
fairness |
As nouns the difference between ethical and fairness
is that
ethical is an ethical drug while
fairness is the property of being fair or equitable.
As an adjective ethical
is (philosophy|not comparable) of or relating to the study of ethics.
spiritual |
ethical |
As nouns the difference between spiritual and ethical
is that
spiritual is (christianity|historical) a member of a branch of the franciscan order who advocated simple dress and renounced the owning of property while
ethical is an ethical drug.
As an adjective ethical is
(philosophy|not comparable) of or relating to the study of ethics.
ethical |
corrupt |
As adjectives the difference between ethical and corrupt
is that
ethical is (philosophy|not comparable) of or relating to the study of ethics while
corrupt is in a depraved state; debased; perverted; morally degenerate; weak in morals.
As a noun ethical
is an ethical drug.
As a verb corrupt is
to make ; to change from good to bad; to draw away from the right path; to deprave; to pervert.
righteousness |
ethical |
As nouns the difference between righteousness and ethical
is that
righteousness is the quality or state of being righteous; holiness; purity; uprightness; rectitude. Righteousness, as used in Scripture and theology, in which it chiefly occurs, is nearly equivalent to holiness, comprehending holy principles and affections of heart, and conformity of life to the divine law while
ethical is an ethical drug.
As an adjective ethical is
of or relating to the study of ethics.