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Wikidiffcom vs Equivocal - What's the difference?

wikidiffcom | equivocal |

As a noun equivocal is

a word or expression capable of different meanings; an ambiguous term; an equivoque.

As an adjective equivocal is

having two or more equally applicable meanings; capable of double or multiple interpretation; ambiguous; uncertain.

Enigmatical vs Equivocal - What's the difference?

enigmatical | equivocal | Synonyms |

Enigmatical is a synonym of equivocal.

As adjectives the difference between enigmatical and equivocal

is that enigmatical is pertaining to an enigma while equivocal is having two or more equally applicable meanings; capable of double or multiple interpretation; ambiguous; uncertain.

As a noun equivocal is

a word or expression capable of different meanings; an ambiguous term; an equivoque.

Provisional vs Equivocal - What's the difference?

provisional | equivocal | Related terms |

Provisional is a related term of equivocal.

As nouns the difference between provisional and equivocal

is that provisional is a member of the while equivocal is a word or expression capable of different meanings; an ambiguous term; an equivoque.

As an adjective equivocal is

having two or more equally applicable meanings; capable of double or multiple interpretation; ambiguous; uncertain.

Equivocal vs Vague - What's the difference?

equivocal | vague |

As a noun equivocal

is a word or expression capable of different meanings; an ambiguous term; an equivoque.

As an adjective equivocal

is having two or more equally applicable meanings; capable of double or multiple interpretation; ambiguous; uncertain.

As a verb vague is


Elusory vs Equivocal - What's the difference?

elusory | equivocal | Related terms |

As adjectives the difference between elusory and equivocal

is that elusory is that tends to elude while equivocal is having two or more equally applicable meanings; capable of double or multiple interpretation; ambiguous; uncertain.

As a noun equivocal is

a word or expression capable of different meanings; an ambiguous term; an equivoque.

Equivocal vs Deceptive - What's the difference?

equivocal | deceptive | Related terms |

Equivocal is a related term of deceptive.

As adjectives the difference between equivocal and deceptive

is that equivocal is having two or more equally applicable meanings; capable of double or multiple interpretation; ambiguous; uncertain while deceptive is .

As a noun equivocal

is a word or expression capable of different meanings; an ambiguous term; an equivoque.

Inscrutable vs Equivocal - What's the difference?

inscrutable | equivocal | Related terms |

Inscrutable is a related term of equivocal.

As adjectives the difference between inscrutable and equivocal

is that inscrutable is difficult or impossible to comprehend, fathom or interpret while equivocal is having two or more equally applicable meanings; capable of double or multiple interpretation; ambiguous; uncertain.

As nouns the difference between inscrutable and equivocal

is that inscrutable is one who or that which is inscrutable; a person, etc that cannot be comprehended while equivocal is a word or expression capable of different meanings; an ambiguous term; an equivoque.

Perplexing vs Equivocal - What's the difference?

perplexing | equivocal | Related terms |

Perplexing is a related term of equivocal.

As adjectives the difference between perplexing and equivocal

is that perplexing is confusing or puzzling while equivocal is having two or more equally applicable meanings; capable of double or multiple interpretation; ambiguous; uncertain.

As a verb perplexing

is .

As a noun equivocal is

a word or expression capable of different meanings; an ambiguous term; an equivoque.

Obscure vs Equivocal - What's the difference?

obscure | equivocal |

As adjectives the difference between obscure and equivocal

is that obscure is dark, faint or indistinct while equivocal is having two or more equally applicable meanings; capable of double or multiple interpretation; ambiguous; uncertain.

As a verb obscure

is to render obscure; to darken; to make dim; to keep in the dark; to hide; to make less visible, intelligible, legible, glorious, beautiful, or illustrious.

As a noun equivocal is

a word or expression capable of different meanings; an ambiguous term; an equivoque.

Hedging vs Equivocal - What's the difference?

hedging | equivocal | Related terms |

Hedging is a related term of equivocal.

As nouns the difference between hedging and equivocal

is that hedging is the act of one who hedges (in various senses) while equivocal is a word or expression capable of different meanings; an ambiguous term; an equivoque.

As a verb hedging

is .

As an adjective equivocal is

having two or more equally applicable meanings; capable of double or multiple interpretation; ambiguous; uncertain.
