What's the difference between
Enter two words to compare and contrast their definitions, origins, and synonyms to better understand how those words are related.


How vs Differentiate - What's the difference?

how | differentiate |

As an adverb how

is to what degree.

As a noun how

is the means by which something is accomplished or how can be (dialectal) an artificial barrow or tumulus.

As a conjunction how

is in which way; in such way.

As an interjection how

is .

As a verb differentiate is

to show, or be the distinction between two things.

Differentiate vs Definition - What's the difference?

differentiate | definition |

As a verb differentiate

is to show, or be the distinction between two things.

As a noun definition is


Respect vs Differentiate - What's the difference?

respect | differentiate |

As verbs the difference between respect and differentiate

is that respect is to have respect for while differentiate is to show, or be the distinction between two things.

As a noun respect

is (uncountable) an attitude of consideration or high.

As an interjection respect

is (jamaica) hello, hi.

Differentiate vs Disguise - What's the difference?

differentiate | disguise |

In transitive terms the difference between differentiate and disguise

is that differentiate is to show, or be the distinction between two things while disguise is to avoid giving away or revealing (something secret); to hide by a false appearance.

As a noun disguise is

attire (e.g. clothing, makeup) used to hide one's identity or assume another.

Differentiate vs Distinctive - What's the difference?

differentiate | distinctive |

As a verb differentiate

is to show, or be the distinction between two things.

As an adjective distinctive is

that serves to distinguish between things.

Differentiate vs Deviation - What's the difference?

differentiate | deviation |

As a verb differentiate

is to show, or be the distinction between two things.

As a noun deviation is

the act of deviating; a wandering from the way; variation from the common way, from an established rule, etc.; departure, as from the right course or the path of duty.

Differentiate vs Incorporate - What's the difference?

differentiate | incorporate |

In lang=en terms the difference between differentiate and incorporate

is that differentiate is to perceive the difference between things; to discriminate while incorporate is to form into a legal company.

As verbs the difference between differentiate and incorporate

is that differentiate is to show, or be the distinction between two things while incorporate is to include (something) as a part.

As an adjective incorporate is

(obsolete) corporate; incorporated; made one body, or united in one body; associated; mixed together; combined; embodied.

Differentiate vs Notice - What's the difference?

differentiate | notice |

In transitive terms the difference between differentiate and notice

is that differentiate is to show, or be the distinction between two things while notice is to detect; to perceive with the mind.

As a noun notice is

the act of observing; perception.

Consider vs Differentiate - What's the difference?

consider | differentiate |

In transitive terms the difference between consider and differentiate

is that consider is to take up as an example while differentiate is to show, or be the distinction between two things.

Differentiate vs Diff - What's the difference?

differentiate | diff |

As verbs the difference between differentiate and diff

is that differentiate is to show, or be the distinction between two things while diff is (computing) to run a diff program on (files or items) so as to produce a description of the differences between them, as for a patch file.

As a noun diff is


As a proper noun diff is

(computing) a program, historically part of the unix operating system, which compares two files or sets of files and outputs a description of the differences between them.
