deck |
hor |
As a noun deck
is any flat surface that can be walked on: a balcony; a porch; a raised patio; a flat rooftop.
As a verb deck
is to furnish with a deck, as a vessel.
As a pronoun hor is
deck |
felien |
forebode |
deck |
As a verb forebode
is to predict a future event; to hint at something that will happen (especially as a literary device).
As a noun forebode
is (obsolete) prognostication; presage.
As an adjective deck is
deck |
webkitlineargradienttoprgbpxrgb |
deck |
cabin |
As an adjective deck
is thick.
As a noun cabin is
lb) a small dwelling characteristic of the frontier, especially when built from logs with simple tools and not constructed by professional builders, but by those who meant to live in it.
As a verb cabin is
to place in a cabin.
dreck |
deck |
As nouns the difference between dreck and deck
is that
dreck is trash, junk; worthless merchandise, crap while
deck is any flat surface that can be walked on: a balcony; a porch; a raised patio; a flat rooftop.
As a verb deck is
to furnish with a deck, as a vessel.
geck |
deck |
As a noun geck
is .
As an adjective deck is
weck |
deck |
As a noun weck
is kummelweck bread.
As an adjective deck is
meck |
deck |
As a noun meck
is fly (insect).
As an adjective deck is
dec |
deck |
As a proper noun Dec
is an alternative spelling of Dec.|lang=en.
As an abbreviation dec
is declared.
As a noun deck is
any flat surface that can be walked on: a balcony; a porch; a raised patio; a flat rooftop.
As a verb deck is
to furnish with a deck, as a vessel.