What's the difference between
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Cushion vs Damp - What's the difference?

cushion | damp | Synonyms |

Cushion is a synonym of damp.

As nouns the difference between cushion and damp

is that cushion is a soft mass of material stuffed into a cloth bag, used for comfort or support; for sitting on, kneeling on, resting one's head on etc while damp is steam.

As a verb cushion

is to furnish with cushions.

Damp vs Dark - What's the difference?

damp | dark |

As nouns the difference between damp and dark

is that damp is steam while dark is a complete or (more often) partial absence of light.

As an adjective dark is

having an absolute or (more often) relative lack of light.

Damp vs Dew - What's the difference?

damp | dew | Related terms |

As nouns the difference between damp and dew

is that damp is moisture; humidity; dampness while dew is moisture in the air that settles on plants, etc in the morning, resulting in drops.

As verbs the difference between damp and dew

is that damp is to dampen; to render damp; to moisten; to make humid, or moderately wet; as, to damp cloth while dew is to wet with, or as if with, dew; to moisten.

As an adjective damp

is being in a state between dry and wet; moderately wet; moist.

As an abbreviation DAMP

is Deficits in Attention, Motor coordination and Perception.

As an acronym DEW is

distant Early Warning.

Damp vs Stuffy - What's the difference?

damp | stuffy | Related terms |

Damp is a related term of stuffy.

As nouns the difference between damp and stuffy

is that damp is steam while stuffy is (us|canada|colloquial|often|childish) a stuffed animal or other plush toy.

As an adjective stuffy is

poorly ventilated; partially plugged.

Damp vs Quiet - What's the difference?

damp | quiet | Related terms |

Damp is a related term of quiet.

As nouns the difference between damp and quiet

is that damp is steam while quiet is the absence of sound; quietness.

As an adjective quiet is

with little or no sound; free from of disturbing noise.

As a verb quiet is

to become quiet, silent, still, tranquil, calm.

Damp vs Daunt - What's the difference?

damp | daunt | Related terms |

As verbs the difference between damp and daunt

is that damp is to dampen; to render damp; to moisten; to make humid, or moderately wet; as, to damp cloth while daunt is to discourage, intimidate.

As an adjective damp

is being in a state between dry and wet; moderately wet; moist.

As a noun damp

is moisture; humidity; dampness.

As an abbreviation DAMP

is Deficits in Attention, Motor coordination and Perception.

Damp vs Rickety - What's the difference?

damp | rickety |

As a noun damp

is steam.

As an adjective rickety is

of an object: not strong or sturdy, as because of poor construction or upkeep; not safe or secure; giddy; shaky.

Damp vs Dampening - What's the difference?

damp | dampening |

As nouns the difference between damp and dampening

is that damp is moisture; humidity; dampness while dampening is the act of making or becoming damp.

As verbs the difference between damp and dampening

is that damp is to dampen; to render damp; to moisten; to make humid, or moderately wet; as, to damp cloth while dampening is present participle of lang=en.

As an adjective damp

is being in a state between dry and wet; moderately wet; moist.

As an abbreviation DAMP

is Deficits in Attention, Motor coordination and Perception.

Damp vs Intimidate - What's the difference?

damp | intimidate | Related terms |

Damp is a related term of intimidate.

As a noun damp

is steam.

As a verb intimidate is

to make timid or fearful; to inspire or affect with fear; to deter, as by threats; to dishearten; to abash.

Damp vs Cast_down - What's the difference?

damp | cast_down | Related terms |

Damp is a related term of cast_down.

As a noun damp

is steam.

As a verb cast_down is

(adverb) to make (a person) discouraged or dejected.
