What's the difference between
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Curt vs Crut - What's the difference?

curt | crut |

As a proper noun curt

is a short form of the male given name curtis.

As a verb crut is

or crut can be .

Gurt vs Curt - What's the difference?

gurt | curt |

As an acronym gurt

is ; a generic term for proposed or implemented methods to restrict use of genetically modified plants, by ensuring the sterility of any seeds .

As a proper noun curt is

a short form of the male given name curtis.

Curr vs Curt - What's the difference?

curr | curt |

As a verb curr

is to coo like an owl.

As a proper noun curt is

a short form of the male given name curtis.

Curs vs Curt - What's the difference?

curs | curt |

As a noun curs

is .

As a proper noun curt is

a short form of the male given name curtis.

Curt vs Cert - What's the difference?

curt | cert |

As an adjective curt

is brief or terse, especially to the point of being rude.

As a proper noun Curt

is a short form of the male given name Curtis.

As an acronym CERT is

computer Emergency Response Team.

As an abbreviation cert is

alternative form of cert.|lang=en.

As a noun cert is


Durt vs Curt - What's the difference?

durt | curt |

As a verb durt

is .

As a proper noun curt is

a short form of the male given name curtis.

Cure vs Curt - What's the difference?

cure | curt |

As a noun cure

is priest bearing the responsibility of a parish a vicar (church of england).

As a verb cure

is .

As a proper noun curt is

a short form of the male given name curtis.

Cutt vs Curt - What's the difference?

cutt | curt |

As a verb cutt

is .

As a proper noun curt is

a short form of the male given name curtis.

Curd vs Curt - What's the difference?

curd | curt |

As a noun curd

is the part of milk that coagulates when it sours or is treated with enzymes; used to make cottage cheese.

As a verb curd

is to form curd; to curdle.

As a proper noun curt is

a short form of the male given name curtis.

Curb vs Curt - What's the difference?

curb | curt |

As a noun curb

is (north america) a row of concrete along the edge of a road; a kerb (uk ).

As a verb curb

is to check, restrain or control.

As a proper noun curt is

a short form of the male given name curtis.
