What's the difference between
Enter two words to compare and contrast their definitions, origins, and synonyms to better understand how those words are related.


Cube vs Dissect - What's the difference?

cube | dissect | Related terms |

Cube is a related term of dissect.

As verbs the difference between cube and dissect

is that cube is while dissect is to study an animal's anatomy by cutting it apart; to perform a necropsy or an autopsy.

Cube vs Prism - What's the difference?

cube | prism |

In geometry terms the difference between cube and prism

is that cube is a regular polyhedron having six identical square faces while prism is a polyhedron with parallel ends of the same size and shape, the other faces being parallelogram-shaped sides.

As a verb cube

is to raise to the third power; to determine the result of multiplying by itself twice.

Wikidiffcom vs Cube - What's the difference?

wikidiffcom | cube |

As a verb cube is


Cube vs Hexagon - What's the difference?

cube | hexagon |

As nouns the difference between cube and hexagon

is that cube is a regular polyhedron having six identical square faces while hexagon is a polygon with six sides and six angles.

As a verb cube

is to raise to the third power; to determine the result of multiplying by itself twice.

Cube vs Sunder - What's the difference?

cube | sunder | Related terms |

Cube is a related term of sunder.

As a verb cube

is .

As a preposition sunder is


Cube vs Divide - What's the difference?

cube | divide | Related terms |

In transitive arithmetic terms the difference between cube and divide

is that cube is to raise to the third power; to determine the result of multiplying by itself twice while divide is to be a divisor of.

In transitive terms the difference between cube and divide

is that cube is to cut into cubes while divide is to share (something) by dividing it.

Cube vs Sever - What's the difference?

cube | sever | Related terms |

Cube is a related term of sever.

As a verb cube

is .

As a proper noun sever is


Chop vs Cube - What's the difference?

chop | cube | Related terms |

In transitive terms the difference between chop and cube

is that chop is to sever with an axe or similar implement while cube is to cut into cubes.

Cube vs Cuboidd - What's the difference?

cube | cuboidd |

Cube vs Section - What's the difference?

cube | section | Related terms |

Cube is a related term of section.

As verbs the difference between cube and section

is that cube is while section is to cut, divide or separate into pieces.

As a noun section is

a cutting; a part cut out from the rest of something.
