derivation |
conversion |
As nouns the difference between derivation and conversion
is that
derivation is a leading or drawing off of water from a stream or source while
conversion is the act of converting something or someone.
wikidiffcom |
conversion |
As a noun conversion is
fluctuation |
conversion |
Related terms |
Fluctuation is a related term of conversion.
As nouns the difference between fluctuation and conversion
is that
fluctuation is a motion like that of waves; a moving in this and that direction while
conversion is conversion.
switch |
conversion |
Related terms |
Switch is a related term of conversion.
As nouns the difference between switch and conversion
is that
switch is a device to turn electric current on]] and [[turn off|off or direct its flow while
conversion is conversion.
As a verb switch
is to exchange.
As an adjective switch
is (snowboarding) riding with their opposite foot forward from their natural position
[ bbc sport, [http://wwwbbccouk/sport/0/winter-olympics/26141070 "sochi 2014: a jargon-busting guide to the halfpipe"], 11 february 2014 ].
conversion |
refitting |
Related terms |
Conversion is a related term of refitting.
As nouns the difference between conversion and refitting
is that
conversion is conversion while
refitting is the act by which something is refitted; a refit.
As a verb refitting is
conversion |
metamorphosis |
Related terms |
As nouns the difference between conversion and metamorphosis
is that
conversion is the act of converting something or someone while
metamorphosis is a transformation, such as that of magic or by sorcery.
substitution |
conversion |
Related terms |
In chemistry terms the difference between substitution and conversion
is that
substitution is (especially in organic chemistry) the replacement of an atom, or group of atoms, in a compound, with another while
conversion is a chemical reaction wherein a substrate is transformed into a product.
As nouns the difference between substitution and conversion
is that
substitution is the act of substituting or the state of being substituted while
conversion is the act of converting something or someone.
conversion |
swapping |
Related terms |
As nouns the difference between conversion and swapping
is that
conversion is the act of converting something or someone while
swapping is the act by which something is swapped; an exchange.
As a verb swapping is
present participle of lang=en.
conversion |
ploselytize |
conversion |
reformation |
Related terms |
Conversion is a related term of reformation.
As a noun conversion
is conversion.
As a proper noun reformation is
the reformation.