What's the difference between
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Caveat vs Contingency - What's the difference?

caveat | contingency |

As nouns the difference between caveat and contingency

is that caveat is a warning while contingency is the quality of being contingent, of happening by chance; unpredictability.

As a verb caveat

is to qualify a particular statement with a proviso or caveat.

Contingency vs Serendipity - What's the difference?

contingency | serendipity |

As nouns the difference between contingency and serendipity

is that contingency is the quality of being contingent, of happening by chance; unpredictability while serendipity is an unsought, unintended, and/or unexpected, but fortunate, discovery and/or learning experience that happens by accident.

Cohort vs Contingency - What's the difference?

cohort | contingency |

As nouns the difference between cohort and contingency

is that cohort is a group of people supporting the same thing or person while contingency is (uncountable) the quality of being contingent, of happening by chance; unpredictability.

Backup vs Contingency - What's the difference?

backup | contingency |

As nouns the difference between backup and contingency

is that backup is a reserve or substitute while contingency is the quality of being contingent, of happening by chance; unpredictability.

As an adjective backup

is standby, reserve or extra.

Contingency vs Uncertainty - What's the difference?

contingency | uncertainty |

In uncountable terms the difference between contingency and uncertainty

is that contingency is the quality of being contingent, of happening by chance; unpredictability while uncertainty is doubt; the condition of being uncertain or without conviction.

In countable terms the difference between contingency and uncertainty

is that contingency is an amount of money which a party to a contract has to pay to the other party (usually the supplier of a major project to the client) if he or she does not fulfill the contract according to the specification while uncertainty is something uncertain or ambiguous.

Contiguity vs Contingency - What's the difference?

contiguity | contingency |

As nouns the difference between contiguity and contingency

is that contiguity is a state in which two or more physical objects are physically touching one another or in which sections of a plane border on one another while contingency is (uncountable) the quality of being contingent, of happening by chance; unpredictability.

Concession vs Contingency - What's the difference?

concession | contingency |

As nouns the difference between concession and contingency

is that concession is the act of conceding, especially that of defeat while contingency is (uncountable) the quality of being contingent, of happening by chance; unpredictability.

As a verb concession

is to grant or approve by means of a concession agreement.

Adventure vs Contingency - What's the difference?

adventure | contingency | Related terms |

Adventure is a related term of contingency.

As nouns the difference between adventure and contingency

is that adventure is the encountering of risks; hazardous and striking enterprise; a bold undertaking, in which hazards are to be encountered, and the issue is staked upon unforeseen events; a daring feat while contingency is (uncountable) the quality of being contingent, of happening by chance; unpredictability.

As a verb adventure

is to risk or hazard; jeopard; venture.

Commitment vs Contingency - What's the difference?

commitment | contingency |

As nouns the difference between commitment and contingency

is that commitment is the act or an instance of committing, putting in charge, keeping, or trust, especially: while contingency is (uncountable) the quality of being contingent, of happening by chance; unpredictability.

Credits vs Contingency - What's the difference?

credits | contingency |

As nouns the difference between credits and contingency

is that credits is plural of lang=en while contingency is the quality of being contingent, of happening by chance; unpredictability.

As a verb credits

is third-person singular of credit.
