realism |
commonsense |
As a noun realism
is a concern for fact or reality and rejection of the impractical and visionary.
As an adjective commonsense is
exhibiting or using common sense.
nous |
commonsense |
As a noun nous
is the mind or intellect, reason, both rational and emotional.
As an adjective commonsense is
exhibiting or using common sense.
commonsense |
levelheadedness |
As an adjective commonsense
is exhibiting or using common sense.
As a noun levelheadedness is
the property of being levelheaded, stable, not overly swayed by passion.
commonsense |
conscience |
As an adjective commonsense
is exhibiting or using common sense.
As a noun conscience is
the moral sense of right and wrong, chiefly as it affects one's own behaviour.
comprehension |
commonsense |
As a noun comprehension
is .
As an adjective commonsense is
exhibiting or using common sense.
objectivism |
commonsense |
As a noun objectivism
is the state of being objective.
As an adjective commonsense is
exhibiting or using common sense.
logical |
commonsense |
As adjectives the difference between logical and commonsense
is that
logical is (not comparable) in agreement with the principles of logic while
commonsense is exhibiting or using common sense.
creativity |
commonsense |
As a noun creativity
is the quality or ability to create or invent something.
As a proper noun Creativity
is a minor nontheistic, ethnocentric religion based on racist beliefs.
As an adjective commonsense is
exhibiting or using common sense.
comprehend |
commonsense |
As a verb comprehend
is .
As an adjective commonsense is
exhibiting or using common sense.
commonsense |
pragmatic |
As adjectives the difference between commonsense and pragmatic
is that
commonsense is exhibiting or using common sense while
pragmatic is practical, concerned with making decisions and actions that are useful in practice, not just theory.