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Collection vs Spell - What's the difference?

collection | spell |

In obsolete|lang=en terms the difference between collection and spell

is that collection is (obsolete) the act of inferring or concluding from premises or observed facts; also, that which is inferred while spell is (obsolete) to read (something) as though letter by letter; to peruse slowly or with effort.

As nouns the difference between collection and spell

is that collection is a set of items or amount of material procured or gathered together while spell is (obsolete) speech, discourse or spell can be (dialectal) a splinter, usually of wood; a spelk or spell can be a shift (of work); a set of workers responsible for a specific turn of labour.

As a verb spell is

(obsolete) to speak, to declaim or spell can be (obsolete) to read (something) as though letter by letter; to peruse slowly or with effort or spell can be to work in place of (someone).

Collection vs Collections - What's the difference?

collection | collections |

As nouns the difference between collection and collections

is that collection is a set of items or amount of material procured or gathered together while collections is plural of lang=en.

Acquistion vs Collection - What's the difference?

acquistion | collection |

As a noun collection is

a set of items or amount of material procured or gathered together.

Collection vs Accomulation - What's the difference?

collection | accomulation |

Accomulation is likely misspelled.

Accomulation has no English definition.

As a noun collection

is a set of items or amount of material procured or gathered together.

Taxonomy vs Collection - What's the difference?

taxonomy | collection |

As nouns the difference between taxonomy and collection

is that taxonomy is the science or the technique used to make a classification while collection is a set of items or amount of material procured or gathered together.

Collection vs Accumulation - What's the difference?

collection | accumulation |

As nouns the difference between collection and accumulation

is that collection is a set of items or amount of material procured or gathered together while accumulation is the act of amassing or gathering, as into a pile.

Store vs Collection - What's the difference?

store | collection |

As nouns the difference between store and collection

is that store is a place where items may be accumulated or routinely kept while collection is a set of items or amount of material procured or gathered together.

As a verb store

is   To keep (something) while not in use, generally in a place meant for that purpose.

Collection vs Organisation - What's the difference?

collection | organisation |

As nouns the difference between collection and organisation

is that collection is a set of items or amount of material procured or gathered together while organisation is standard spelling of from=British spelling|lang=en|organization.

Collection vs Miscellany - What's the difference?

collection | miscellany |

As nouns the difference between collection and miscellany

is that collection is a set of items or amount of material procured or gathered together while miscellany is miscellaneous items.

Collection vs Combination - What's the difference?

collection | combination |

As nouns the difference between collection and combination

is that collection is a set of items or amount of material procured or gathered together while combination is the act of combining, the state of being combined or the result of combining.
