What's the difference between
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Purpose vs Cognition - What's the difference?

purpose | cognition |

As nouns the difference between purpose and cognition

is that purpose is an object to be reached; a target; an aim; a goal while cognition is the process of knowing.

As a verb purpose

is have set as one's purpose; resolve to accomplish; intend; plan.

Intuitive vs Cognition - What's the difference?

intuitive | cognition |

As nouns the difference between intuitive and cognition

is that intuitive is one who has (especially parapsychological) intuition while cognition is the process of knowing.

As an adjective intuitive

is spontaneous, without requiring conscious thought.

Preception vs Cognition - What's the difference?

preception | cognition |

As nouns the difference between preception and cognition

is that preception is a precept while cognition is the process of knowing.

Think vs Cognition - What's the difference?

think | cognition |

As nouns the difference between think and cognition

is that think is an act of thinking; consideration (of something) while cognition is the process of knowing.

As a verb think

is to ponder, to go over in one's head.

Intelligent vs Cognition - What's the difference?

intelligent | cognition |

As an adjective intelligent

is of high or especially quick cognitive capacity, bright.

As a noun cognition is

the process of knowing.

Concept vs Cognition - What's the difference?

concept | cognition |

As nouns the difference between concept and cognition

is that concept is an understanding retained in the mind, from experience, reasoning and/or imagination; a generalization (generic, basic form), or abstraction (mental impression), of a particular set of instances or occurrences (specific, though different, recorded manifestations of the concept) while cognition is the process of knowing.

Cognition vs Psychological - What's the difference?

cognition | psychological |

As a noun cognition

is the process of knowing.

As an adjective psychological is

of or pertaining to psychology.

Intellect vs Cognition - What's the difference?

intellect | cognition |

As nouns the difference between intellect and cognition

is that intellect is the faculty of thinking, judging, abstract reasoning, and conceptual understanding; the cognitive faculty (uncountable)cognition is the process of knowing.

Cognition vs Conation - What's the difference?

cognition | conation |

As nouns the difference between cognition and conation

is that cognition is the process of knowing while conation is the power or act which directs or impels to effort of any kind, whether muscular or psychical.

Cognition vs Concious - What's the difference?

cognition | concious |

As a noun cognition

is the process of knowing.

As an adjective concious is

